Beauty isn’t about someone else’s
expectations of you, it’s about
loving yourself, as God made you,
because He declares that we are
fearfully and wonderfully made.
was that self-love
and self-appreciation
are virtues that are
necessary to possess
for healthy living
and true beauty.
Everyone will have
their opinion of you. One designer will
think you are perfect and beautiful and
ten minutes later, you can go to a different
audition and they will have the opposite
opinion. If you spend your life trying to
prove to others that you are special, you
will begin to lose sight of who you truly are.
Beauty isn’t about someone else’s expecta-
tions of you, it’s about loving yourself, as
God made you, because He declares that we
are fearfully and wonderfully made. It took
me a long time to realize that and to accept
that. I would lay out in the sun and tan to
make myself even darker so that I would
stand out more, because someone told me
that my skin tone was “In between”. I would
straighten my hair because that was more
attractive and desirable in the fashion world.
I would go days only eating raw vegetables
to appear thinner, though I secretly desired
hamburgers or shrimp alfredo or a Twix
candy bar, now and then. I compromised a
lot of who I was because I wanted to be the
girl who got picked. I wanted to stay memo-
rable and I wanted to prove that I was just
as talented as any other model. I made good
friends with my model mates, but I some-
times felt that they had something I didn’t
and I was constantly trying to prove that I
was just as good. But, eventually, it wore me
out. You can’t please
everybody and
you’re not supposed
to. What I learned is
that when our iden-
tity is grounded in
the L