n a world where glitter is the only light
of all ages.
some can see, all things glam is an obses-
We spoke with her recently. She talked
sion for the masses and worldly values
freely about her loving husband, her own
are worshipped
personal challenges
by a multitude of
and their daughter
people who don’t
who she describes as
believe in Christ, we
“my personal testi-
for Christ that helped to re-chart mony”. There is a
are inspired by for-
mer fashion model,
lot more to her than
th e course for her life. Her new
Katrina McCain.
the beautiful fashion
For nearly a decade,
model on the cover—
heart and soul, her hopes and
she strolled across
as you will see.
the runways of New
HimPower: How
fears as she shares stories of her
York’s fashion elite,
long did you model
appeared on TV,
and how did you get
graced the pages of
glamour magazines such as Vogue Italia
K. McCain: I modeled for 9 years
and travelled in circles most never expe-
and had the opportunity to work with
rience. Yet, with all her success she knew
Wilhelmina Models out of New York. It was
deep within something was missing and her an exciting experience. I’ve also enjoyed
accomplishments were not enough.
contracts in Atlanta, Miami and locally here
Ultimately, it was her yearning for
in North Carolina. Modeling was never a
Christ that helped to re-chart the course for goal of mine. I think, because of my height
her life. Her new book, Beyond Being Good and body size, people just assumed that
– Seeking Christ’s Perfection for Our Imper- I pursued this career, but really, it was an
fect Hearts, offers a glimpse into her heart
accident. It all began as a favor to a class-
and soul, her hopes and fears as she shares
mate who entered Charlotte’s first Fashion
stories of her victories and defeats. Having
Week. They needed an extra person and
navigated successfully through a world that asked me to do it. I was absolutely terrified!
isn’t always what it appears to be, McCain
But I agreed because I was in a place where
offers a unique perspective on living above
I was trying to be more outgoing. The show
social acceptance and personal perfection.
was mind blowing for me—I had never done
Authentic and transparent, she is passionate anything quite like that before. Two agents
about helping other women delve into a
from NY happened to be in the audience.
deeper understanding of God’s goodness
They came back stage and offered me a
through a total experience of His perfect
contract on the spot.
love. It’s a message of inspiration for women
HimPower: What did you like about
www.himpowermagazine.com 33