HIMPower Magazine HimPower April 2018 | Page 27

are already very rich in anthocyanins and other natural antioxidants . But red wine is also powerful because when the grapes are crushed , the whole fruit – including the nutrient-rich grape skins – is fermented . That gives it a very complete profile . White wine on the other hand , is made without the grape skins .
The benefits of red wine are many : consumption reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer , promotes healthier aging , and slows the progression of neurological disorders , including Alzheimer ’ s disease .
The compound most recognized for these benefits is one that has been getting a lot of attention in the past few years : resveratrol .
Resveratrol is considered to be one of the reasons behind what we call the “ French Paradox ”, in which people in France – despite their rich diets ( of mostly whole foods and smaller portion sizes ) seem to live longer , healthier lives . The prevalence of red wine during regular meals led researchers to discover that one of the compounds , resveratrol , did indeed appear to slow down the aging process , and even keep metabolism running more smoothly by improving the rate at which muscles burn fat .
Beyond being a “ preserver of youth ”, resveratrol has also been found to inhibit the formation , growth , and spread of tumors , and has been shown to be effective against breast , prostate , lung , liver , and other types of cancer cells .
It also reduces liver fat , blood pressure , and helps keep blood sugar levels in balance – all excellent reasons to enjoy a glass of red wine with dinner .
Curcumin – while not a food per se – is the essential compound from turmeric , ( Curcuma longa ), which in its powdered form has been used as a spice and medicine for thousands of years . It ’ s a primary ingredient in curry , and accounts for the bright orange color of the dish .
In its long history , and continuing today , curcumin has been credited with many benefits . It reduces pain and inflammation , prevents tumor formation , protects the liver , and promotes wound healing .
The anti-inflammatory abilities of curcumin are responsible for both its strong pain reduction and cancer preventing power , because proper inflammation keeps cancer cells from forming and spreading . There is some very exciting current research showing the powerful effect that curcumin has on tumor cell reduction , and given the strength of this particular compound , I ’ m sure more successful studies will follow .
New studies also show curcumin easing pain for those with rheumatoid arthritis , and when combined with a boswellia extract , being as effective as celecoxib in treating knee pain in people with osteoarthritis .
There are also studies in progress examining the benefits of curcumin in slowing the progression of Alzheimer ’ s disease .
I urge you to consider supplementing with a high absorption curcumin extract
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