in onion is
there are many
quercetin – a
potent antioxi-
reasons to enjoy
dant flavonoid
garlic for health
that provides
benefits – a
much of the
30% decrease
in colon cancer
matory and
risk among
them – it is
power found
really heart
in the plant.
support that
Green tea
comes to mind
it’s not just
for most people when they think of garlic.
fans of healthy food that think onion is an
For those with heart disease, recent research extremely valuable plant; the World Health
shows that garlic extract was associated
Organization (WHO) also supports the use
with an almost 3% decrease in the size of
of onion to treat the loss of appetite and
artery-clogging plaques. The control group
prevent heart disease.
in the study – with no garlic extract – saw a
15% increase in plaque size.
Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) has been
cultivated for over 5,000 years, and is well
Onion, like garlic, is a member of
known for its multiple health benefits. It
the Allium family. While onion’s healthy
supports cardiovascular, dental, digestive,
compounds differ from garlic’s, it is also
and skin health. It prevents and fights
noted for its ability to prevent heart disease. cancer. And in this “battle of the bulge” era,
Consumption of onions reduces cholesterol
it is especially well-regarded for its ther-
and the incidence of blood clots. Oil from
mogenic ability. Green tea infusions help
onion has been used to treat high blood
burn calories, with or without caffeine, and
pressure, as well.
possess a lipase-inhibiting activity that limits
Beyond cardiovascular concerns, onion the amount of fat calories absorbed.
helps increase bone density and reduces
All true tea (as opposed to herbal infu-
inflammation and the risk of cancer. In fact, sions) is from the same plant. The reason it
regular onion consumption has been found
is called “green” is because the tea leaves are
to decrease the risk of stomach cancer, so it
only minimally processed after harvesting.
is a very strong botanical in many ways.
Unlike black tea, where the leaves are
One of the most beneficial compounds
allowed to oxidize, green tea leaves are
24 HimPower April 2018