Gardens I Have
Known and Grown…
(and Imagined)
Step 2: Planning
Your Garden
by Kenneth F. Farrell
his is the second article this spring in
a series intended to share vegetable
gardening tips that will hopefully
enhance your own gardening endeav-
ors, particularly if you have contemplated
your own garden but have yet to try it. The
first installment was essentially an introduc-
tion to the series with a preview of expected
‘gardening how to’ topics to be covered
monthly. (See the February issue.) So, you
haven’t missed anything that’s too import-
16 HimPower April 2018
ant – this is the first article which actually
provides gardening tips and it addressees
PLANNING your garden.
I suggest that planning your vegetable
garden should begin by asking yourself a
few basic questions, to wit:
What are your goals for this (perhaps
your first) garden? Do you simply want to
teach your toddler (or grandchild) the joy