Carol Douglas Lyles
Art Director
Social Media Manager
Kayla Alexander
Technical Support
Harold T. Brooker, CDA Solutions
Pneu-Path for Living, LLC ™
11134 Broad River Road, Suite B
Irmo, SC 29063
[email protected]
HimPower Magazine ™ is
published monthly by parent
company, Pneu-Path for Living,
LLC ™, with all rights reserved.
Given by inspiration of the Holy
Spirit, HimPower Magazine ™
is published to inform, motivate
and inspire God’s people to strive
to live more prosperously. It is
produced digitally and viewable
on most digital mediums
including laptops, tablets,
iPhone, iPad, Android and other
digital devices. Paper copies
available upon request. Send
inquires and/or feedback to:
[email protected].
Guidance and opinions expressed by contributing
writers are not necessarily those held by the publisher. Any information provided by Pneu-Path
for Living, LLC ™ via HimPower Magazine ™ or
other form of communication regarding options
for personal empowerment or wellness is not
intended as a substitute for professional medical
advice, diagnosis or treatment. The information
is provided for informational purposes only to
make readers aware of other options available.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other
qualified health provider with questions regarding any type of physical or emotional medical
condition and treatment options.
For information about the Editor, go to the About
Us page at www.pneupathforliving.com
A Notice Regarding the FREE HopRocket
Memberships to be Awarded by Pneu-Path for
Living, LLC
Notice: No purchase is necessary to enter to win either
of the (3) HopRocket Memberships awarded by PneuPath for Living, LLC and will not increase your chances
of winning. Winners of the HopRocket Memberships
must be 18 year of age or older. The HopRocket Memberships awarded by Pneu-Path for Living, LLC cannot
be transferred, redeemed, substituted for cash or merchandise, or used in any way other than as described
under the terms of the HopRocket Agreement. Each
HopRocket Membership is valued at $99 and may be
subject to state, federal or local taxes. Any taxes applied
to the acceptance of or use of the HopRocket Membership are the sole responsibility of the awardee of the
Membership. All decisions regarding the awarding of the
HopRocket Memberships will be made by Pneu-Path for
Living, LLC and are final. Void where prohibited.
4 HimPower December 2016