HIMPower Magazine December Issue | Page 27

Dr . Lomax :
As a general standard natural / herbal remedies are safe and effective if manufactured properly and taken as directed . If one is on prescription medication for some type of chronic illness it is advisable to look into whether the active ingredients in the natural remedies might interact with the prescription drugs . It is not unusual for most physicians to not be familiar with natural and herbal products or their ingredients in general because they are not required in their training to do so . Western medical training focuses on diagnoses and treatment , and treatment generally consists of prescribing medication ( s ), surgery , further diagnostic testing , physical therapy , observation etc . Ironically , although prescription medication can be effective in managing various conditions they generally don ’ t cure them , and they usually have a myriad of harmful side effects , some that can be life threatening , hence the irony of physicians being concerned that natural and herbal products may interact with prescription medication . Further irony is seen in the fact the many medications are initially derived from a plant substance , then the plants active or effective ingredient is artificially synthesized in the laboratory because it ’ s cheaper . Unfortunately the synthetic versions don ’ t maintain the other protective characteristics of the plants , which more than likely contribute significantly to the negative side effect profiles of most drugs .
Our bodies really were not designed to take in toxic chemicals , processed foods , synthetic drugs etc . These are some of the main reasons why the United States is in a state of chronic disease . Most of these chronic diseases e . g . diabetes , hypertension , heart and kidney disease etc . are reversible and preventable . Proper nutrition and increased activity as well as limiting stress , processed food intake and other toxic chemicals e . g . from smoking , excess alcohol intake , illicit drug use etc . are of tremendous benefit . So yes , do your homework on natural products / supplements , herbal remedies etc . as they can be very beneficial in some cases more beneficial than synthetic prescription drugs which can often cause more harm than good . I , like your friend am an avid believer in and user of natural and herbal products , and I consume a daily diet that is rich in plants , fruits , lean meats and fish .
Bottom line is we are responsible for our own health so as Hippocrates once said , “ Let food be your medicine , and medicine be your food ” the key here is the food has to be healthy e . g . from plants and fruits , not processed foods , fast foods , toxic chemicals etc . Proper daily water intake and maintaining a healthy optimal weight are also essential . Remember to always be a seeker of information from multiple “ credible ” sources in order to get a better sense of what ’ s right for you .
Dr . Lenny Lomax is a Licensed Physician & Orthopaedic Surgeon . He defines his role of physician as being someone trusted by patients and their families . ‘ Doctors are expected to heal , not cause more pain and suffering ’. Dr . Lomax acknowledges that natural medications have the potential to greatly improve the public ’ s general health and well-being , as our country has become a nation addicted to pills , which is destroying our communities . His mission is to find a resolution to this pervasive problem by offering effective natural solutions to remedy this global problem . As he often states “ I know GOD made me for this purpose . It makes my spirit full and motivates me ! I am so encouraged that I have been blessed with this mission . I became a Doctor to help people and that ’ s exactly what I plan to do .” Guidance and opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those held by the publisher . Any information provided by Pneu-Path for Living , LLC ™ via HimPower Magazine ™ or other form of communication regarding options for personal empowerment or wellness is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice , diagnosis or treatment . The information is provided for informational purposes only to make readers aware of other options available . Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with questions regarding any type of physical or emotional medical condition and treatment options .