ransparency—what comes to mind when you hear this
word? You may recall President Obama made “transparency” the benchmark of his administration and has reiterated it throughout his Presidency. As a result, we have heard the
word used frequently in defense of his position on policy, against
him by his detractors, and throughout America’s lexica.
n fact, its use has become so prevalent
in corporate America that many of its
leaders us it deliberately to validate new
policies and initiatives. So, does this mean
everyone who uses this expression is being
completely truthful? Not necessarily, in some
situations it just plays well to their audience.
Yet, there are times when used in a social context implying openness, communication, and
accountability (Wikipedia), that it becomes
crystal clear when the person is being forthright.
This is exactly what we found when we spoke
to gospel artist, Jessica Reedy about her life,
her ministry and her new album, Transparent.
Transparent could not be more fitting either
for the lyrics she penned for her new album or
for her as a person when speaking about her
past and present life experiences.
Reedy says she has always be outspoken and
willing to say what’s on her mind, but her
openness about her trials, her pain and her
passion to serve God has been years in the
making. You may remember her hit single,
“Better” which rocked the gospel charts for
months and we listened intently as she dug
down into the depths of her despair to lift
our consciousness to her pain. Truly gifted,
her flexible range goes from baritone to tenor
and back like the ebb and flow of the ocean
waves. Recently, we caught up with Reedy
between stops on her current tour. She had
a lot to share about her life that shows why
“Transparent” is not just a name or title to
her—it’s who she is.
HimPower: So, Jessica, you have an amazing
schedule, tell us what’s going on in your life
right now.
Jessica Reedy: Right now, I’m traveling and
telling people about God and the way I see
him. The lyrics I wrote were inspired by him,
of course, and it’s about what he’s done to
mature and prepare me. My process right
now, outside of the music portion, is starting a
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