in some wonderful ways. For example, he pro- the enemy and don’t even entertain negative
tected me, had people in place that new of my thoughts that try to permeate your thought
situation to bring food and otherwise until he process. Meditate on the word, affirm it, speak
provided a way through a lady I knew which I
life to your situation and always remember
call my “Good Samaritan” because she opened that as the Bible states emphatically that
her place of residence to help me. It was an
‘there is a season and a time for everything.’
overwhelming situation but God was there
I would tell anyone that I too, even at this venwith me all the time and I wouldn’t change it
ture, am dealing with some trials and tribulafor anything!”
tions in my life but
In fact, Workhave resolved within
man went on to say, “I
myself that no matter
wouldn’t change either
what, I am moving
experience because
forward because I am
they helped me with
not alone and God
covetousness; be content
my walk with God,
has proven himself
with such things as you
and has helped her to
to me time and time
have. For He Himself has
be more empathetic
again. I won’t make
and understanding of
excuses in the trannor
others plight in life,
sition but, surrender
enabling me to be more
to God and allow for
effective in spreading
him to be glorified
—Hebrews 13:5
the Gospel of Jesus
even through my pain.
Christ to hurting peoSometimes in the difple because I know
ficult seasons of life
what it is to suffer, feel
God is trying to get
pain and feel like giving up.” Because God
our attention and draw us closer to himself.”
was always there for Workman, she is able to Workman gives a constant message of hope,
give hope to others that he will be there for
“If you fight against the pain, you will not
them just as he has been for her. Her fervor
receive the manifestation that is on the othin teaching about Christ is what led to the
erwise. So, if you have been through a season
founding of Simply Victorious Ministries.
of difficulty and hardship, remember that God
Workman said her message to othcares for you and although he never said you
ers, “Don’t give up. Know that God loves you
wouldn’t go through trials and tribulations in
indescribably and that God has a purpose in
life, he did promise that he would “never leave
everything that you are suffering. Don’t lisyou nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5, NKJV).
ten to the chatter of others, don’t listen to
Trust God, don’t ‘lean to your own understand10 HimPower August 2015