indonesia :
A report from PAUL & JOYCE TAN ---
We are so thankful for HIM ’ s continuous support of our ministry in Indonesia , all these years . Our reach to the less fortunate has expanded in many different areas . In the city of Makassar , we planted a school for the blind and a School of Ministry for church planting . In the city of Surabaya , we have an orphanage , an after-school program for poor children , and we are also networking with other churches to reach out and plant churches in the smaller , surrounding villages . In the city of Serui , Papua , we have a K-12 school . This city was once a Christian city , but has been infiltrated by Muslim immigrants . We started with 7 students , but we now have 135 students ! Aside from that , last year we were able to ship 6 containers of wheelchairs for the poor in Indonesia . We have also been able to strategically impact the nation , in different scales , in the government and business mountains . The Lord is doing great things !
PAUL & JOYCE TAN City Blessing Church
Commissioned by HIM in 2006
� lacityblessing . org
�� @ cbcwalnut
Walnut , California
� / CBCWalnut
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