HIM 20th Anniversary Magazine HIM 20th Anniversary Magazine | Page 19

New Wineskins for New Wine

I have been on the lookout for “ New Wineskins for the New Wine ” for many years now . At one point in my searching , I had been on the watch for “ New Wine ” only . As one can only imagine , those are incredibly fun seasons for sure ! I love jumping in the flow as much as anyone . In my 42 years of full-time vocational ministry , I have pondered deeply on the necessity of flexible structures -- the wineskins -- but rarely did I ever see it in practice . I found a lot of “ principles turned into laws ” and a lot of “ rivers with no banks .”
I love structure , but then really love spontaneity . So , which ditch is it ? Do you have to choose ? Can I have my cake and eat it too ?
What does this have to do with my relationship with HIM ? Everything ! It ’ s amazing that for half of my ministerial journey , I have been in the river with the likes of Ché & Sue Ahn , Lou & Therese Engle , Brian & Candice Simmons , Charles & Anne Stock , and I could not leave out Wesley & Stacey Campbell . I have prophesied to the nations with Cindy Jacobs , and sometimes with Dr . C . Peter Wagner quietly and studiously observing .
And then , I get to be a scout for the next generation of sold-out Jesus ‘ crazies ’ and help lasso them in ! People like Jerame & Miranda Nelson , Matt & Stephanie Sorger , Steven & Rene Springer , Andrea & Patrick Penn and a few other fruitful Jesus followers … Oh how fun it is ! I get to cheer these young leaders on and then in a moment get down to serious business with them , asking : ‘ How is your life ? How is your marriage ?’
So what does HIM mean to me ? Well , it means fulfilled prophecies , lasting relationships , trust , friendship , not walking alone but walking aligned , sharing common values , and so much more ! It means having a place where the New Wine is cherished and there is a constant pursuit on how to build New Wineskins to contain it . In the early days of HIM it was about JESUS and now 20 years later - it is still about JESUS !
I believe HIM is a flexible Wineskin that carries and distributes the New Wine . And still , for me it is something more . It ’ s called FAMILY . And yes , we are better together ! Oh , lest I forget one of my favorite things , sometimes I get to be crazy uncle James . Hmmm ...
JAMES GOLL Encounters Network
HIM Apostolic Team Member of HIM since 1996
� jamesgoll . com
� � @ jamesgoll Franklin , Tennessee
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