Countless Testimonies ...
“ This was the Lord ’ s doing ; It is marvelous in our eyes . This is the day the Lord has made ; We will rejoice and be glad in it .”
- Psalm 118:23-24
In 20 years of leading HIM there have been numerous highlights , miracles , testimonies , and breakthroughs . However , there have been several significant turning points in our journey . One such highlight for me was how HIM was a major catalyst for The Call . All the state directors and city coordinators for The Call were HIM Pastors , and to be involved in that from the genesis of The Call in 2000 to 2003 , was a tremendous blessing . Second , was establishing an HIM apostolic center in Korea , as well as WLI Korea . I never thought I would go back to Korea , eventhough I am Korean and born there , since I don ’ t speak the language . Plus , Korea already has so many strong churches that it just wasn ’ t on my radar to build and grow there , but to see what God has done in Korea is amazing ! Now I visit every year ; and it is fulfilling for me to be able to give back to the nation that sent my mom , dad and me to America . Another significant cornerstone moment for me was launching WLI China . This of course goes back to when I was 20 years old and the Lord first spoke to me about going to the nations in a vision where
China and India were twice the size of the other countries . Likewise , seeing what Leanna Cinquanta has done in India is amazing ; her ability to multiply and establish a Kingdom presence in India has far exceeded any of my expectations .
Through all that we have accomplished , the reason why growing HIM and seeing its presence in over 50 nations has been so personally satisfying to me is because I know that I am called as an apostle to carry out the Great Commission . Apostles are called to lead the way of fulfilling the Great Commission , which is our charge as empowered believers , of discipling nations and bringing revival and reformation for the purpose of transforming those nations . I feel that HIM has given me the vehicle and expression to have the freedom to do that , all over the world , without a mission board or any religious spirit to confine .
CHÉ AHN Harvest International Ministry
President / Founder of HIM
� cheahn . org � / PastorCheAhn � @ cheahn � @ che _ ahn Pasadena , California
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