Hilti Catalog Canada Steel and Metal Winter 2018 | Page 25
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www.hilti.com 1-800-879-8000 (U.S.) | www.hilti.ca 1-800-363-4458 (Canada)
1 Some exceptions apply; grinders, SD 4500, SD 2500, gas saws,
WSR corded tools and UD and UH tools do not have wear and
tear coverage. Wall saw head, remote control, and E box and
wire saw power unit and control box have two year wear and tear
coverage or 200 hours of usage, whichever comes first. No other
components, accessories, or consumables are included.
2 W
ear and tear coverage excludes damage due to abuse, or use
not in accordance with the tool operator’s manual. The following
consumable items are excluded from wear and tear coverage
and repair or replacement of those items shall be at customer’s
expense: pistons, buffers, and spring clips for powder actuated
tools, pull cord assemblies and filters for gas saws and filters for
3 One day repair turnaround time starts when the tool is received
at the Tool Service Center (TSC). A repair is only eligible for one
day turnaround guarantee if customer approves Repair Cost Limit
(RCL) in advance; repairs with authorizations for less than the full
RCL and repairs requiring quotes are not eligible. Limit of 5 tools
per company per day per TSC. Tools must be received at TSC via
UPS or Purolator. Any delay in credit card authorization voids the
1 day-or-free guarantee. Excluded tools include: total stations,
optical devices, detection tools, wall saws, wire saws, and HAT 28.
Excludes delays caused by force majeure events ( e.g. hurricanes).
Extended no cost warranty does not apply to no-charge repairs.
20-2-1 warranty applies to tools only.
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