Hilti Catalog Canada Power Generation Winter 2018 | Page 34
Custom solutions to help
you finish on time and
under budget
From design to execution, our Project
Management Office is here to make your job
easier with a unique mix of services including
structural design calculations, AutoCAD® details,
Professional Engineer (PE) stamping, cutting,
kitting, and preassembly. No matter how complex
your project is, our cross-functional team of
engineers, bid and proposal managers, and
logistics experts are here to help.
Tight timeline? Count on us.
We measure and cut
We kit
• We’ll ship your pre-measured and pre- • Kits are packaged with all
cut materials direct to your job site for
components needed for assembly.
immediate installation, reducing your
labor and scrap costs, and eliminating • Minimize freight costs with
cutting-related injuries.
conveniently boxed kits that can be
easily transported to any location.
Get more information about the complete lineup of services
provided by the Hilti Project Management Office
We assemble
• Pre-assembled materials arrive ready
for immediate installation.
• Save assembly time and on-site
storage space, decrease inventory
management costs, and shorten your
construction schedule.