Hilti Catalog Canada Civil Winter 2018 | Page 3
Concrete Repair and Upgrade
Universal vacuum cleaner portfolio
Breaker TE 3000-AVR
Combihammer TE 70-ATC/AVR
Cordless combihammer TE 30-A36
Injectable mortar HIT-HY 200
Injectable mortar RE 500 V3
Anchor rod portfolio
General Fastening
Powder-actuated tool DX 5
Basket clip X-BC
General purpose collated nails for concrete X-C MX
Threaded stud S-BT-MR/MF
Electrical connector X-BT-ER
Screw anchor Kwik HUS EZ
Expansion anchor Kwik Bolt TZ
Concrete Cutting and Coring
Water Management System DD WMS 100
Hand-held gas saws DSH 700-X 14” and DSH 900-X 14” & 16”
Diamond cutting disc for Hand-held gas saw DSH 700-X/900-X
Floor saw blades SP and Equidist SPX
Diamond coring tool DD 250
Diamond core bits
Diamond cup wheels
Piping and Platforms
MI girder
Girder connectors
Girder accessories
MI next generation
Hilti strut connectors and accessorie