Rajiv Chaudhri

Site business and eventually started his own business , Hitek Australia .
While all of this was very satisfying for him , Rajiv was brought up watching his family give back to the community and he decided it was time for him to do the same . He had seen many other people give to large charities , but felt that he would rather give back in his own way .
“ My aim is to give back to the community with a purpose , to impact lives , in a positive way . We need to remember that if you teach people to fish , they ’ ll be good for a lifetime , if you just give them a fish , they will be back the next day for more !”
This is a man who puts his money where his mouth is and when he took over the Spicy Bean Café ( previously the Coco Cabana ) in Rouse Hill Town Centre , he was determined to use it to help other people . He did so by employing people who had special needs , feeling that by giving his staff training , an income and support in a caring environment was better than just throwing money at a charity .
“ I wanted to give more than a percentage of my earning as service to the community . I realised I could be of service myself rather than donate to other charities , that I can do something and see the actual results , a smile on a person ’ s face means more to me than any money could .”
His philosophy has obviously worked as he opened a second Spicy
Bean Café in Castle Hill which runs 100 per cent by a team of people with special needs , and it ’ s doing very well as a business .
Unwilling to leave his good works at employing people who need a helping hand to find meaningful work , he has taken it on himself to be the guarantor on an apartment for two young men to make the transition to living independently . Not only is he helping them make that change , he is mentoring them so they understand how to manage their finances and take care of themselves .
Rajiv also gives back to the community by being on the board of not for profit organisation , Community Foundation of North West Sydney . It focuses on Bridging the Gap initiatives where people in need can apply for financial help with crisis support , household essentials , like repairs of cars , new washing machines or school uniforms , sports and recreation grants to allow children to undertake sporting activities , dancing or school camps .
They also support local charities , Give and Take and Men in Action through Auspicing , where money they raise is passed on and used by these organisations .
However , he is keen to point out he doesn ’ t do any of this for personal gain as far as being featured in the
Rajiv at Hawkesbury ’ s Community Support Hub .
media goes , in fact it ’ s quite the opposite and I wasn ’ t sure he would actually agree to me interviewing him . When he was told he had been nominated for the Hills Shire Australia Day awards he was surprised that he had been chosen .
“ I was very humbled to get the award , but didn ’ t do any of this for recognition , when you do work for charity , you should do it quietly without the need to be rewarded .”
My last question for Rajiv was what he would like people to consider when it came to acts of charity .
“ My personal dream would be enlighten a lot of my friends and get them to understand the important of giving back to the community with a purpose . I would like to see more businesses help or employ a person with special needs and up skill then , employ them and keep them in the job .”
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THE HILLS INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au ISSUE 95 // MAY 2023 7