Opportunity classes cater for high potential and intellectually gifted students in Years 5 and 6 . What are the benefits ? Opportunity classes help students learn by :
• grouping them with other high potential and gifted students
• using special teaching methods so students can learn concepts in more detail and more quickly .
• supporting their wellbeing needs .
• most students in opportunity classes enjoy learning more when their classmates have similar abilities and interests . Because all students in an OC class have high potential or are gifted , teachers can set more challenging and complex tasks to ensure that they are engaged and excited by their learning . There is also often a strong focus on problem solving and independent thinking .
Teachers also help students to develop independent learning strategies and time management skills . For example , students might set the direction of their own learning and be responsible for its completion . They can learn important skills needed for high school and beyond .
In some OC classes students may
have the curriculum accelerated as they complete Year 6 , 7 , and sometimes even Year 8 work while they are still in Year 5 or 6 .
Grouping gifted and high potential students together benefits their education , social development and wellbeing .
OC classes attract a large number of students from many different schools , and opportunity class placements bring together high potential and gifted students into the one classroom .
A local school enrichment class may find it difficult to form a class with students who have similar levels of ability to those found in an OC class . What do students say about attending an opportunity class ? Students tell us that they love learning with other students who are like them — students who enjoy asking questions , delving into topics , and being challenged academically .
Before entering an OC class , some students feel like they are different from their classmates which can lead to feelings of isolation . Students often feel a greater sense of social ease and belonging when they learn and become friends with others who have similar abilities and interests in an OC class .
There are 76 primary schools with opportunity classes in NSW each year .
• 45 schools are located in metropolitan Sydney
• 30 schools are located in rural or regional centres ; plus a virtual class , Aurora College , is available for rural and remote students in 618 authorised host schools
Opportunity classes are unzoned so you can apply no matter where you live in NSW .
Students successfully placed attend the opportunity class full time in Years 5 and 6 at the relevant public school .
In the majority of cases , students who have accepted a place in an opportunity class will leave their current school to attend the school with the opportunity class .
Is an opportunity class the right fit for my child ?
Your child may have high academic potential if they demonstrate some of the following :
• enjoy learning
• have intense curiosity
• display a good memory
• ask complex questions
• enjoy learning new and often complex ideas or skills
• require fewer repetitions when learning new things
• are creative
• become intensely focused in their area of interest or passion
Note : not all high potential and gifted learners will display all of these characteristics , for example , due to lack of opportunity , disability or disadvantage . The Equity Placement Model The Equity Placement Model helps to make access to opportunity classes fairer for the following under-represented groups :
• Students from low socioeducational advantage backgrounds
• Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander students
• Students from rural and remote locations
• Students with disability
The model holds up to 20 % of places at each school for students from these groups to help increase their participation .
These students may be considered for equity placement if their test performance is within 10 % of general applicants ’ first round offers for each school . How do I apply ? Applications for entry into Year 5 opportunity classes in 2024 close Monday 15 May , 2023 .
Apply online during this time at https :// shsoc . education . nsw . gov . au /