HILLS INDEPENDENT HILLS 116 February 2025 | Page 18



by Lachlan Turner
Due to the somewhat rugged terrain in some of our local bushland reserves we can expect numerous creeks course through the narrow floors of steep gullies . In many places water tumbles over rock ledges as it makes its way downstream .
At times , its progress is slowed where pools and ponds have formed due to a rock shelf holding back the flow . This in turn can create picturesque scenes , many of which are accessible from walking tracks which generally follow these watercourses .
It is where the water flows slower that bushwalkers are more likely to encounter water birds and water dragons . Where there is suitable vegetation in which these creatures can hide the bushwalker may need to wait quietly for a time to make these creatures think that it is safe to come
out of hiding .
In times of heavy rainfall , however , it is advisable not to be in the vicinity of these creeks as waters may rise quickly . This is due mainly to the more rapid run-off from built up areas accessing natural water courses more quickly . At times , a “ wall ” of water may flow with considerable force along the creek lines , joining forces with other tributary watercourses , forming a dangerous current that can sweep away anything in its path that is not rigidly attached to the ground .
Mostly though , water courses and waterfalls in our bushland reserves present a much more peaceful , enjoyable and pleasant environment to stop and spend some time . Along these creeks can be found a wide variety of flowering plants , delicate ferns and colourful fungi , which thrive on the moist conditions provided by the flowing water .

Entries now open for Remagine environmental Art Prize 2025

Hornsby Shire Council ’ s environmental art prize Remagine is again open for entries with $ 11,000 in total prize money .
Hosted by Hornsby Shire Council in partnership with the Hornsby Art Society since 2009 , the Remagine Art Prize challenges artists to create works in response to the waste and overconsumption crises .
This year ’ s theme , RE : THINK TO RE : PURPOSE , challenges artists to explore the impact of waste production and creatively reuse materials to help conserve our precious natural resources .
Entries are open to Digital Stills , Sculpture , Mixed Media , Ceramics , Painting , Drawing , Printmaking and Photography , with six prizes to be won in 2025 , including : - Winner : $ 5,000 - Highly Commended : $ 2,000 - Recycled / Reused Materials
Award $ 1,500 - Local Artist Award :
$ 1,000 - Youth Award ( 18-
25 years ): $ 1,000 - People ’ s Choice Award : $ 500
Hornsby Shire Council Mayor , Warren Waddell said this year ’ s theme was chosen to reflect the importance on reuse and repurposing materials before they become waste that enters our environment , renewing the art prize ’ s track record of poignant commentary on the waste crisis – the effects of which are seen most clearly at the level of Local Government .
“ Rethinking our approach to managing household waste is
Chris Gleisner , The Sixth Extinction A Short List .
Coco X Huang , In a Drop of Water .
Fleur Brett , Yellow Torso ( The Muse ). essential to reducing the amount of waste we send to landfills , which are quickly reaching capacity ,” said Mayor Waddell .
“ Finding creative ways to repurpose old items , whether in art or life , is a crucial behaviour towards building a more sustainable community .
“ Each year since its inception , we ’ ve seen Remagine Art Prize reach larger and larger audiences , as the effects of the waste crisis and climate change become a reality . I ’ m sure that this year ’ s theme will prompt a wonderful response from right across Australia yet again and raise community awareness on these important waste issues .”
Entries to the Remagine Art Prize close on Thursday 1 May 2025 at 5pm and the winners will be announced at the award ceremony on Friday 13 June 2025 .
The Remagine Art Prize exhibition will be held from Friday 13 June until Sunday 29 June 2025 , at Wallarobba Arts and Cultural Centre , 25 Edgeworth David Avenue , Hornsby . For further information and to enter visit www . hornsby . nsw . gov . au / remagine . 16 ISSUE 116 // FEBRUARY 2025 HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR ! theindependentmagazine . com . au THE HILLS INDEPENDENT