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Monitored screen time may improve dental health
with Tina , Practice Manager at Round Corner Dental
Kids and teens are using screens a great deal more , especially since the pandemic , with education shifting to the online space . The good thing is the internet is being used more and more as a positive tool for learning rather than just entertainment . So , screen time isn ’ t necessarily a bad thing … if it ’ s under control .
Prolonged and excessive internet use , termed ‘ internet addiction ’ is growing in prevalence . This is particularly obvious among teenagers and younger children and has been shown to have various behavioural , mental and physical consequences .
Recently an interesting , though perhaps not surprising connection has been made between internet addiction and oral health . It turns out , too much time on screens increases the risk of decay in our teeth .
At first , I was surprised to hear this , but studies conducted in Britain , the U . S , Saudi Arabia and countless journal articles explain the links quite clearly . Unsurprisingly , internet addiction can lead to bad sleeping habits , physical inactivity and an increase in snacking and consumption of foods high in sugar and fat . Toothbrushing frequency reduces as well , which makes matters worse .
Teens can be a bit harder to wrangle , so making sure there isn ’ t too much junk food available in the house and setting timers to make sure screen time is kept under control can be useful . Often teens become nocturnal and are left to browse their phones or play online games into the night , which can reduce their teeth brushing in the evening .
For kids , timers work great too – but also toothbrushing and oral health apps and YouTube videos can be found easily . DJ Brush , Toothsavers and the Disney Magic Timer are just a few great options to make a routine chore fun and engaging .
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THE HILLS INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au ISSUE 113 // NOVEMBER 2024 29