with Mark Hodges MP
Last month we shone a light on Mental Health Month – a national initiative to raise awareness and get everyone taking about mental wellbeing . This year ’ s theme , Let ’ s Talk About It , is all about starting those much-needed conversations . Sharing our experiences helps break down that stigma around mental health , and let ’ s face it , mental health touches all of us in one way or another .
Whether it ’ s a friend , family member or even ourselves , we have all been there . So , as Mental Health Month rolled in , it was time to break the silence . We tried to make talking about mental health as normal as talking about our physical health .
This Mental Health month , we were encouraged to think of ways to connect with those around us - our families , friends , colleagues , and the wider community . Creating these connections is essential for our wellbeing . Engaging in open conversations , sharing lived experiences , and supporting each other in difficult times can improve both our psychological wellbeing and overall sense of wellness .
Through unity and compassion , we can foster an environment where everyone feels empowered to talk about mental health , find reassurance , comfort , and seek support . And even though Mental Health month has come and gone , the conversation must continue . Every day is an opportunity to encourage one
another to seek help , stay connected , and feel empowered .
Local Support in the Hills Community
There are incredible local organisations doing vital work in this space . Here are some resources available to support your and your loved ones .
Headspace Castle Hill offers counselling service specifically for parents who are experiencing problems with their children or adolescents who are 12 to 25 years old . ( Level 1 , 253 Old Northern Rd , Castle Hill NSW 2154 . ( 02 ) 9393 9800
The Hills Community Health Centre provides assessment , treatment , and referral for adults 25 years old or over with mental illness or psychiatric disorders . A twenty-four-hour crisis service is available .
An accredited healthcare interpreter can be arranged if needed . 183-187 Excelsior Avenue , Castle Hill NSW 2154 . ( 02 ) 8853 4500
Lifeline Macarthur & Western Sydney ( servicing Castle Hill ) is a twentyfour-hour telephone crisis support , information , and referral service , available nationally , that provides an immediate and confidential opportunity to discuss a problem or concern . The service is available to all ages with any concerns . A particular focus is suicide prevention and mental health . Phone : 13 11 14 ( 24 / 7 Helpline )
Let ’ s keep the conversation going – together , we can create a community where everyone feels heard and supported .
with Julian Leeser MP
One of the best parts of being your local Member of Parliament is getting to know the kids , families and volunteers involved in Berowra ’ s local sports clubs . While the dedication and passion are evident at every match from the kids on the field to the parents working the canteen , BBQ or running the logistics , the reality is that it comes at a cost .
Berowra ’ s local sports clubs do a great job fundraising for new uniforms , running end of year presentations and basically keeping the lights on , but right around our area we ’ ve got clubs that operate in facilities that aren ’ t up to standard .
We have club houses that don ’ t have women ’ s changing rooms . Some clubs have bathrooms that are dilapidated and frankly just aren ’ t equipped for the growth , especially with more young women joining up .
And as anyone involved with winter sport will tell you after the wet winter the drainage on too many of our fields is not up to standard .
Since I have been elected , I ’ ve taken up this fight for a lot of local clubs and I ’ m so pleased with what we ’ ve been able to achieve working together . New club houses , returfing , equipment , storage facilities , bathrooms , upgrades , and improvements totalling around $ 5 million
worth of local investment are some of my proudest achievements as your local MP .
I ’ ve lost track of the number of times I ’ ve spoken about local sports clubs in Parliament and the reason is because when I ’ m in Canberra I ’ m there fighting for Berowra ; I ’ m telling my parliamentary colleagues about the fantastic groups in our area and reminding them that they need support to continue .
Despite how much we ’ ve managed to achieve together , there ’ s still lots to do .
Last week I met with representatives from a couple of local clubs and community groups to talk about how they ’ re travelling and what their plans for the future are . I met with representatives
from West Pennant Hills and Cherrybrook Football Club – the Lions . The Lions play at Campbell Park , along with West Pennant Hills Cherrybrook Cricket Club , which means the facilities are in demand year-round .
The representatives from the Lions gave me a few really great ideas so I ’ ve taken those thoughts and am starting work on a plan on how to support them and other clubs using Campbell Park .
If you ’ re involved in a local sports club , community group or volunteer organisation and think your organisation might benefit from my support for more funding or a small grant then please get in touch with my office to talk about how we can work together .