Aiding those who serve us by Greg Martin

Yarramundi , the “ chief ” of the Darug people ’ s , Boorooberongal clan , gave a warm welcome to Captain Arthur Phillip and his naval and marine entourage when they met on April 14 , 1791 .
Phillip and a small flotilla of boats had come up the Hawkesbury River and landed at the confluence of the Grose and Hawkesbury rivers . If he were alive today , Yarramundi would certainly welcome another group of armed service men and women to his country .
A group of current serving and retired veterans of the Australian Defence Forces , in collaboration with major sponsor , National Disability Insurance Scheme provider , Sanctuary Care and Support ( SCS ), are now members of the recently established Western Sydney Veterans Shed in Yarramundi .
The shed will play a vital role in the wellbeing of those men and women who have served their country and community in the Australian Defence Force or as first responders .
The shed has been established in a – yep , you guessed it – huge shed on president , Rick Porter ’ s property in Yarramundi where he operates his printing business , RAR Printing .
“ Sanctuary Care and Support and our other sponsors have graciously provided us with the facilities without cost ,” said Anthony Eddie , who has taken on the roles of secretary , treasurer and publicity officer . Both men served their country in the army - Anthony for 30 years , and Rick as a member of 5 / 7 Royal Australian Regiment for eight years .
“ However , the Veterans Shed itself is unfunded and is now registered as a notfor-profit charity ,” Anthony said .
“ We are humbly seeking support from people and organisations in our community to enable the Veterans Shed , the first of its kind in Western Sydney , to prosper .
“ The shed has been established to provide all ADF and Emergency Service veterans with a safe , inclusive space to gather , relax , interact and undertake hobbies with an aim to support transitioning members moving back into the civilian community .
“ We are energetically hoping to raise enough money to finance the initial establishment of the shed , including liability insurance , a website and ongoing administrative costs .
“ We will ensure that our shared facilities are WHS ( Work Health & Safety ) compliant , and we hope to purchase safety equipment , a community fridge , power tools , hobby , gardening or activity supplies that will enable our members in the future .”
Rick asked if we could spruik that community support is needed to enable the venture to achieve all its aims .
Of course , I told him that I couldn ’ t do that ! Derr !
If you can assist the Veterans Shed with any form of assistance , please contact Anthony Eddie on 0401 417 497 or email aeddie74 @ hotmail . com
Rick Porter ( l ) and Anthony Eddie are doing the heavy lifting in establishing the Western Sydney Veterans Shed . The gym will be one of many features in the shed . Photo : Kathryn Johnston .
The Veterans Shed , which will operate every Thursday from 10am-2pm , will be officially opened at noon on Saturday , October 19 .
A long list of dignitaries has been invited to enjoy the occasion along with members who will converge on Yarramundi from all over Western Sydney .
12 ISSUE 112 // OCTOBER 2024 theindependentmagazine . com . au THE HILLS INDEPENDENT