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by Greg Martin
“ Every sturdy tree that towers over human beings owes its existence to a deeply rooted core .”
So wrote the philosophic founder of the Japanese martial art of aikido , Morihei Ueshiba ( 1883-1969 ).
Your writer could well relate that quote Dr Pritpal Singh , one of Australia ’ s most eminent ophthalmologist and specialist eye surgeons .
Dr Singh operates his practices in Richmond and Norwest and was a founding director of Lakeview Private Hospital in Norwest where he still serves on the Board of Directors . Established in 2015 , Lakeview ’ s team of highly respected surgeons have performed in excess of 160,000 procedures .
This “ sturdy tree ” of a man says he owes his achievements in life to the “ deeply rooted core ” instilled in him by his parents , Sardul Singh and Nirmal Kaur .
“ My sister , Kanwaljit Kaur , brother , Narinder Singh , and I owe our achievements in life to our parents who instilled in us a passion for learning ,” Dr Singh said .
“ Kanwaljit mastered three university degrees and is a senior advisor in the power industry , and Narinder , a professor , is head of the Ear , Nose and Throat Department at Westmead Hospital and Lakeview Private Hospital .”
Such does Dr Singh honour his parents , he has generously created a scholarship in their names for medical students at St John ’ s College , University of Sydney , Dr Singh ’ s old alma mater . The annual Singh and Kaur Scholarship will support a medical student from a rural background to reside at St John ’ s whilst studying medicine .
“ I believe that the cross-disciplinary
Dr Singh operates his practices in Richmond and Norwest and was a founding director of Lakeview Private Hospital in Norwest where he still serves on the Board of Directors . Established in 2015 , Lakeview ’ s team of highly respected surgeons have performed in excess of 160,000 procedures .
nature of the St John ’ s student community offers resident scholars a golden opportunity to grow friendships and connections with others from diverse educational and backgrounds ,” Dr Singh said .
Current St John ’ s College Rector , Dr Mark Schembri , was delighted to announce and launch the Singh and Kaur Scholarship .
“ Thanks to generous supporters such as Dr Singh ’ s parents , we can enable the best and brightest students to reside at St John ’ s College well into the future ,” Dr Schembri commented .
“ I am deeply grateful to Dr Singh and his family for their very generous support of the college , their passion , commitment and vision will resonate throughout the college for years to come .”
During his college days between 1988-94 , Dr Singh was kicking goals in his studies but also as an integral member of the Rawson Cup soccer team as player and administrator . Of Sikh heritage and fluent in the Sikh Punjabi language , I ’ m sure he never reverted to that language when “ questioning ” referees over some of their decisions !
Don ’ t know whether he managed to find the back of the net on the soccer field , but this remarkable man has certainly kicked goals in his chosen profession !
“ I loved my time at the college where I was most fortunate to be warmly welcomed by the then St John ’ s Rector , Father Les Cashen , who gave me tremendous support during my time there ,” Dr Singh said .
Dr Singh says he is thrilled to have created the scholarship in honour of his beloved parents . “ My parents operated
Fit in mind and of body ! Dr Singh wore two hat – oops , turbans – during his college days . He was a passionate player and administrator of the St John ’ s College soccer team . Seek and you would have seen a Sikh completing the recent City to Surf not-so-fun-run . Dr Singh has been a regular competitor in recent times .
8 ISSUE 111 // SEPTEMBER 2024 theindependentmagazine . com . au THE HILLS INDEPENDENT