HILLS INDEPENDENT HILLS 111 September 2024 | Page 12


MAKE A DIFFERENCE : Disability Inclusion

Action Plan Reference ( DIAP ) Group

by Lorna Gordon
Inclusivity is a vital and important part of all our communities . From experiencing the vibrancy of multi-cultural events , acceptance of different religious beliefs and changes in family structures , it ’ s never been more important to have an open mind and accept people for who they are .
The Hills Shire Council are taking steps to ensure that people with disabilities and their families are also included in this by having a Disability Inclusion Action Plan ( DIAP ), and to make sure it is working towards its plan a reference group has been set up to monitor it .
Seven people were chosen to be part of this voluntary group and give up their time to work towards inclusivity for people with disabilities . They come from different backgrounds including people who have lived experience as carers or personally have a disability , people with professional experience in disability organisations , advocacy and support services or who design spaces which serve the community as a whole .
The main role of the DIAP Reference Group is to provide consultation and hold the Council accountable to the goals outlined in the DIAP . The group ’ s responsibilities include offering feedback and recommendations on various initiatives , ensuring that the voices of people with disabilities are heard and considered in decision-making processes . Ellen Witzlsperger is the chairperson of the reference group and explained why it is so important to our community .
“ The DIAP Reference Group is necessary as 21 per cent of people in Australia have a disability and should be included in the discussion on what can be done to help improve facilities , events and communication by the Council ,” Ellen said .
The work of the DIAP Reference Group is already having a ripple effect in the community . By raising awareness and normalising different forms of communication and accessibility , the group is helping to break down social judgments and fears surrounding disability . Initiatives like the installation of communication boards in parks and the development of social stories for local events are small but significant steps toward a more inclusive society .
Ellen explained that by making it easier for people with disabilities to be part of the community , it also helps to raise awareness in the wider population .
“ Many people who have disabilities , their carers and families fear social judgement . Providing supports and services that are sensitive to their needs allows them to be an actively participating
The DIAP Reference Group is ensuring that the voices of people with disabilities are heard and considered in decision-making processes . Photo : courtesy of Hills Shire Council .
community member . This has a social impact on the community , normalising these supports , which benefits everyone .”
In the long term , the group ’ s efforts will benefit not just individuals with disabilities but the community as a whole . A more accessible and inclusive Hills Shire means that everyone can participate fully in the life of the community , accessing the supports and services they need to thrive . As the DIAP Reference Group continues its work , the hope is that their recommendations will lead to lasting , meaningful change , making the Hills Shire a place where everyone feels valued and included .
12 ISSUE 111 // SEPTEMBER 2024 theindependentmagazine . com . au THE HILLS INDEPENDENT