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Dental appliances for a better night ’ s sleep
with Dr Olivia Ignatiou
If you or your partner suffer from snoring or sleep apnea , you will understand the importance of a good night ’ s sleep .
Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea occur when the throat muscles relax and block the airway .
The result is poor sleep quality which results in daytime fatigue . Sleep apnea is associated with high blood pressure , acid reflux , low blood oxygen , depression , mental confusion , heart problems , liver problems and diabetes .
Traditionally , the only treatment option for Obstructive Sleep Apnea has been the C-PAP machine .
These loud and bulky machines deliver positive air pressure to the lungs during sleep . Although they are highly effective , some patients find them difficult to tolerate .
For patients who snore , and for those with sleep apnea who cannot tolerate a C-PAP machine , an oral sleep appliance can be a great alternative .
These appliances are worn like a mouthguard and gently hold the lower jaw forward which opens up the airways .
For patients who snore , and for those with sleep apnea who cannot tolerate a C-PAP machine , an oral sleep appliance can be a great alternative .
Dental sleep appliances work best when they are custom made by a dentist , an impression or digital scan is all that is needed to get started .
If sleep disturbances are plaguing your nights , talk to us about a sleeping appliance . It might just be the key to unlocking a restful night ’ s sleep .
to the friendliest dental practice in the Hills District .
Experience , efficiency and a gentle hand .
Come and meet Dr . Olivia and her team today .
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Cosmetic Dentistry
Family & Children ’ s Dentistry
Mouthguards Teeth Whitening Cosmetic Injectables And more !
Open Monday to Friday
Dr . Olivia Ignatiou
Suite 1 , 524 Old Northern Road DURAL ( 02 ) 9651 1806 www . roundcornerdental . com . au THE HILLS INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au ISSUE 110 // AUGUST 2024 23