HILLS INDEPENDENT HILLS 110 August 2024 | Page 12


Hornsby Shire Council to revitalise Galston Village

Galston Village will undergo significant enhancements to its main street and surrounding areas , transforming it into a vibrant place to relax , dine and play , while preserving its unique character . At its General Meeting last night , Council endorsed the draft Galston Village Public Domain Plan and will now undertake detailed design development , guided by the feedback from the community .
With anticipated increases in visitors to the semi-rural and regional attraction , plans include improved walking and cycling networks , a new centrally located sheltered bus stop and enhanced safety with traffic calming measures , angled parking and a new pedestrian crossing .
Additional features , including more street trees , outdoor seating , informal gathering areas , and bike facilities , will enhance the village ’ s ambiance and provide convenient amenities for locals and visitors to enjoy .
“ I am very pleased to see the Galston Village enhancements moving forward ,” said Hornsby Shire Mayor , the Hon Philip Ruddock AO .
“ The community support highlights how important these improvements are , ensuring Galston Village remains an inviting destination for years to come .
“ The planned tree planting and other
Artist ’ s impression of the Galston Village Public Domain .
new features will enhance the village ’ s charm , reflecting the green environment that Hornsby Shire is known and loved for .”
The draft Plan received 68 online submissions from the community during Council ’ s five-week exhibition period , with the majority expressing strong support for the proposed enhancements .
Council will maintain liaison with commercial landowners in the shopping precinct , continue to review options for public toilets and pursue approval for roadway works with Transport for New South Wales .
The Galston Village Public Domain Plan is specified in Council ’ s Delivery Program 2024-2027 , which identifies a need for the creation of vibrant town centres in Hornsby
Shire . The improvements to Galston Village will support the local economy and encourage visitation to Hornsby Shire . Construction is due to commence in 2025 .
The project was also identified in Council ’ s Long Term Financial Plan and will receive funding to see it through to completion over the next two financial years .


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12 ISSUE 110 // AUGUST 2024 theindependentmagazine . com . au THE HILLS INDEPENDENT