HILLS INDEPENDENT HILL 96 June 2023 | Page 19


What to do about dry skin in winter

At this time of year , hands may be red , rough , and raw , and skin may feel itchy and uncomfortable .
Dry skin occurs when skin doesn ’ t retain sufficient moisture — for example , because of frequent bathing , use of harsh soaps , aging , or certain medical conditions .
Wintertime poses a special problem because humidity is low both outdoors and indoors , and the water content of the epidermis ( the outermost layer of skin ) tends to reflect the level of humidity around it .
Fortunately , there are many simple and inexpensive things you can do to relieve winter dry skin , also known as winter itch or winter xerosis . What you can do Here are some ways to combat dry skin that are effective if practiced consistently :
• Limit yourself to one 5- to 10-minute bath or shower daily . If you bathe more than that , you may strip away much of the skin ’ s oily layer and cause it to lose moisture .
• Use lukewarm water rather than hot water , which can wash away natural oils .
• Minimise your use of soaps ; if necessary , choose moisturising preparations such as Dove , Olay , and Basis , or consider soap-free cleansers like Cetaphil , Oilatum-AD , and Aquanil .
• Steer clear of deodorant soaps , perfumed soaps , and alcohol products , which can strip away natural oils
• Bath oils can be helpful , but use them with caution : they can make the tub slippery .
• To reduce the risk of trauma to the skin , avoid bath sponges , scrub brushes , and washcloths . If you don ’ t want to give them up altogether , be sure to use a light touch . For the same reason , pat or blot ( don ’ t rub ) the skin when toweling dry .
• Apply moisturiser immediately after bathing or after washing your hands . This helps plug the spaces between your skin cells and seal in moisture while your skin is still damp .
• To reduce the greasy feel of petroleum jelly and thick creams , rub a small amount in your hands , and then rub it over the affected areas until neither your hands nor the affected areas feel greasy .
• Never , ever scratch . Most of the time , a moisturiser can control the itch . You can also use a cold pack or compress to relieve itchy spots .
• Use sunscreen in the winter as well as the summer to prevent photoaging .
• When shaving , use a shaving cream or gel and leave it on your skin for several minutes before starting .
• Use fragrance-free laundry detergents and avoid fabric softeners .
• Avoid wearing wool and other fabrics that can irritate the skin .

Toothbrushes – hard , soft or electric ?

with Miranda Huxtable Practice Manager at Round Corner Dental
The answer to this question is simple . NEVER use a hard or medium brush .
It ’ s a common misconception that hard-bristled brushes give a more thorough , efficient clean . It ’ s not the case , and they can do irreversible damage to your teeth and gums .
Enamel is the white , hard outer layer of the tooth that protects the soft , inner layers . If you scrub it with hard bristles and wear it away , you ’ ll lose the protection it provides from harmful bacteria . You might also start experiencing sensitivity and roughness to the tongue as the layers beneath are exposed .
You can also damage your gums with a hard bristled brush , and eventually they will begin to recede towards the root of the tooth . When the root surface of the tooth is exposed , you are at greater risk of developing decay in these areas , as the root is not protected by a layer of enamel . It can also become very sensitive .
Changing from a hard brush to a soft one is a strange transition at first but trust us , if you ’ re using the right technique , a soft brush cleans just as well , but without the damage . Tips - Angle the bristles toward the gum line
- With a soft brush , gently massage the teeth AND gums in small circles
- Do this for TWO minutes , TWICE a day
- It is far more about the TIME than the pressure used to brush
- If you have plaque on your teeth that your soft brush can ’ t remove , a hard brush won ’ t get it either . Our dentists can remove that safely , without damaging that precious enamel !


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THE HILLS INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au ISSUE 96 // JUNE 2023 17