Hills Independent February 2021 HILLS 68 February 2021 | Page 8



by Lorna Gordon
attend the Tokyo Olympics in 2020 . While
the games were delayed a year , Shaun was
You know that old saying , if you want
incredibly humbled to have been included
something done , ask a busy person ? Well ,
in the selection .
the person who is featured in this month ’ s
“ We sit next to the instructor and mark
Finest is certainly busy !
down all refs ’ calls to a computer program ;
Shaun Dodds was put forward for this
the instructor can look at any of these
article by his wife , Eliza . When she told
calls and they occasionally ask us what we
me about all his accomplishments and his
think ,” Shaun explained .
passion for sports , I knew I had to speak
“ The video referee is an important job
to him .
as it helps to keep referees on the straight
Shaun ’ s interest in basketball started
and narrow and helps them with their
when he was a youngster when he
development . The refs want to do the best
began to play the sport for fun . During
they can for the game and by us helping
his teenage years , his basketball practice
them identify where they could do better ,
fell by the wayside and it wasn ’ t until
it helps them improve .”
he moved to Melbourne and needed
His input to the sport was recognised
something to get out of the house and
in 2018 when Basketball NSW gave him
back into fitness that he took it up again .
an award for being senior volunteer of the
Basketball has remained a firm
favourite since then and when Shaun
moved back to the Hills , he got involved
with Hills Basketball and has been a
referee and coach with them ever since .
He has worked hard in his game
of choice and has progressed up the
refereeing ladder .
“ I started instructing at a local level
with the junior teams and worked my
way up to a state graded instructor , which
included three or four levels in between ,”
Shaun told me .
“ I also attend national events and was
due to start refereeing with the Women ’ s
National Basketball League ( WNBL ) but
didn ’ t get a chance to do any of those
games because of COVID restrictions .”
Shaun is also a video referee , one of
only 18 in the world , and because this skill
Photo : Kathryn Johnston .
is in high demand he was shortlisted to
Shaun being recognised by Basketball NSW .

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6 ISSUE 68 // FEBRUARY 2021 www . hdinews . com . au THE HILLS INDEPENDENT