Eggscellent !

with Miranda Huxtable Practice Manager at Round Corner Dental
With Easter around the corner , it ’ s chocolate egg season ( or if you ’ re a big chain supermarket , it has been since January …). However , you may have guessed it ’ s the other , healthier type of egg we like the best . The chook kind ! It ’ s not often we hear eggs and dental health in the same sentence , but here are some facts you might not know .
Eggs give us a good boost of calcium ( a great nondairy source for the lactose intolerant ) which strengthens our teeth and reduces the risk of cavities , as well as teeth breaking and wearing down . The outer shell of the tooth , called the dentin , is our only protection against decay so we want to look after this as best we can .
Funnily enough , the outer shell of an egg is very similar to dentin ! When you brush an egg shell with fluoridated toothpaste , it is strengthened just like our tooth enamel .
Eggs also contain phosphorous ( gotta love that eggy smell !) which works as a team with calcium for teeth and bone strength . They also contain a good amount of Vitamin D , which helps absorb the calcium .
Vitamin D is a bit of a superstar in general , helping reduce the risk of certain diseases , improving our mood and
Dr Olivia ’ s youngest child , James with Vanessa the hen !
fighting inflammation and infection . Eggs also contain a mineral called selenium , which has been shown to help prevent oral lesions and ulcers and reduce risk of cavities , especially in children . What a power package !
Animal-lover Dr Olivia has recently welcomed four new feathered family members , her home becoming somewhat of a menagerie . As honorary mascots for Round Corner Dental , we welcome in no particular order : Vanessa , Belle , Cindy Lou Hoo and Fen .
They are settling in very well in their new home and have already begun producing some beautiful calcium-rich fresh eggs for the family !

Welcome to the friendliest dental practice in the Hills District .

Experience , efficiency and a gentle hand .
Come and meet Dr . Olivia and her team today .
Cosmetic Dentistry
Family & Children ’ s Dentistry
Mouthguards Teeth Whitening Cosmetic Injectables And more !
Open Monday to Friday
Dr . Olivia Ignatiou

Suite 1 , 524 Old Northern Road DURAL ( 02 ) 9651 1806 www . roundcornerdental . com . au

Age Pension - are you missing out ?

with Rebecca Chester Age Pension Help
Are you over 67-years-old and still working ? Do you know whether you are also eligible for a partial Age Pension ?
Let ’ s talk about the income test …
One of the most common questions I have is from people who are working part time and retiring in a couple of months . They are preparing for retirement and want to get the Age Pension organised to coincide with that date . What they don ’ t realise is they have , in fact , been eligible for a part pension and the pension concession card for some time .
Maybe they have held back because they weren ’ t sure about their eligibility , maybe they thought Age Pension is only for retirees , or maybe they just didn ’ t have the time . The fact is that you can be working and also be eligible , using the income test .
The income test includes employment , selfemployment , investment and other government payments . The sum of all these incomes is capped at $ 2,318 per fortnight for a single person , and $ 3,544 for a couple . In addition , if you or your partner are over 67 , the Work Bonus is applied and this increases your allowed employment income by $ 300 each per
fortnight . Does this sound like you ?
The benefits of applying immediately are that even if you are only eligible for $ 1 per fortnight in Age Pension , you will still receive the Pension Concession Card which provides an estimated $ 5,000 a year in discounts and benefits . Additionally , when you do make changes , such as reducing your hours , or retiring , the pension rate will change immediately and you won ’ t have to wait for weeks to get the increase .
Don ’ t wait until you are just about to retire !
If you are over 67 , find out today whether you are eligible for a partial pension and Pension Concession Card . We specialise in providing personalised assistance to people who are applying for the Age Pension .
We use easy-to-understand language ; you don ’ t have to go online and don ’ t have to fill out any forms ; you just get a friendly person at the other end of the phone . Call us today on 1300 222 484 .
THE HILLS INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au ISSUE 94 // APRIL 2023 19