Hills Independent #79 January 2022 | Page 20

www . earstudio . com . au


Introducing Redux for your hearing instruments

with Daniel Fechner Ear Studio
Ear Studio are the proud owners of a new and innovative hearing instrument dryer , Redux . This drying machine prevents malfunctioning and prolongs the life of your hearing aids in a few simple steps :
1 . Faster - proven to dry hearing instruments in about 15 minutes with the push of a button .
2 . Dryer - applies endpoint drying technology to maximise moisture removal from treated hearing devices .
3 . Smarter - Redux combines vacuum drying with humidity level measurement to vaporise liquid at a low temperature that is safe for the hearing device .
4 . Verified - the machine provides real-time measure of moisture removed during the drying process and reports the total amount upon completion .
With the summer months fast approaching , there are many issues that can be caused by moisture in your hearing aid , and moisture and bacteria can impact their functionality and lifespan .
For many , the culprit is moisture that can get in unexpectedly and might even damage your hearing aids .
Certainly today ’ s hearing aids are designed to prevent moisture from entering the outer case and body , but they are not completely waterproof .
Getting moisture in your hearing aid can often cause issues when you want it to be most efficient , think an important meeting , a family gathering , or a concert . Even after a shower , bath , or a swim , you can let moisture in by immediately putting in your hearing aids without checking if your ears are completely dry .
In addition to letting in moisture from any of these activities , high summer temperatures and intense exercise can cause you to perspire more . When humidity levels rise , more sweat results . Physical activity or even underlying health conditions such as obesity , diabetes , high blood pressure or high cholesterol increase risk of water damage as well . Just a half a microlitre ( uL ) can cause -30 dB attenuation , and sometimes even complete failure . With the push of a button , Redux treats hearing aids to a state of complete dryness in around 12 minutes !
The recommended drying frequency of your aids is dependant on how much
moisture is found during the drying process . The Redux machine will provide a detailed report on how much moisture was removed and based on this we will recommend an appropriate drying cycle for you .
Ask us about Redux at your next scheduled appointment while you grab a coffee and allow us to take care of this
in a few simple steps and minutes . The normal treatment cost is $ 45 , but we will offer this during summer for the special introductory price of $ 29 per treatment ( coffee included ).
Pop in to see us at Ear Studio to find out more – Suite 9 / 60 Cecil Avenue , Castle Hill or phone ( 02 ) 9159 6122 .


With Summer fast approaching , moisture can be the biggest enemy to your hearing aids ! Getting moisture in your hearing aid can often cause issues when you want it to be most efficient : at an important meeting , a family gathering , or a concert . But here at Ear Studio , we are now the proud owners of a new and innovative drying machine , called REDUX .
Ask us about REDUX at your next scheduled appointment while you grab a coffee and allow us to take care of this in a few simple steps and minutes .
The normal treatment cost is $ 45 , but we will offer this during Summer for the special introductory price of $ 29 per treatment ( coffee included !)

Call Ear Studio 02 9159 6122

www . earstudio . com . au
Did you know we also offer professional ear wax removal by microsuction . A safe and effective method to remove ear wax .
If you are looking for a practitioner that cares about you – you ’ re perfectly right at EAR STUDIO . Just give us a call to speak to us about your goals and what we can do for you .


Suite 9 / 60 Cecil Avenue Lawton House

TERREY HILLS Inside Terrey Hills Family Surgery 50 Booralie Road

Phone 02 9159 6122

Fax 02 9402 5492 Email reception @ earstudio . com . au Monday - Friday 9am to 6pm . Saturday by appointment only . “ Proudly independent and locally owned ”
20 ISSUE 79 // JANUARY 2022 theindependentmagazine . com . au THE HILLS INDEPENDENT