Hills District Independent HILLS 107 May 2024 | Page 14

And now for a little me time


The power of winter

by Lorna Gordon
I know a lot of you are looking at this title and thinking I have lost my mind , but there are a lot of benefits associated with the cooler months of the year that are fast approaching . Instead of dreading the longer nights and cold starts to the day , here are some reasons to embrace them .
While our summers can feel like we are being slowly cooked , winter temperatures in Sydney are not as extreme which lets us take advantage of the milder days . The cooler months make outdoor life much easier , so let ’ s start with our physical comfort .
While it is colder in the mornings , you aren ’ t concerned about bursting into flames as soon as you step outside your door or 90 per cent humidity makes your freshly done hair a frizzy mess in five minutes . You can enjoy walks with your family or friends without worrying so much about heat stroke or snakes and your daily exercise can be for longer as the cooler temperatures make it more pleasant .
We get less pollen and therefore allergies take a break during the winter , for those of you who have hay fever , you can look forward to a more pleasant time outdoors when you are no longer dealing with itchy , runny eyes and a streaming nose . Coughs colds and flus are an issue so make sure you check in
Make the most of the longer nights by keeping cosy . with your GP to see if you can get the flu jab to help stave it off .
The longer colder nights are the perfect time to make hearty delicious food that you might have missed when you were cooking on the BBQ . Look up some new recipes for tasty soups and casseroles which are back on the menu and get your slow cooker out of hibernation . Remember how amazing it is to come home to the smell of your dinner bubbling away .
Winter nights can be chilly , and we are all trying to keep our costs as low as we can , so snuggle into warm jumpers , get your cosy blankets out and enjoy a hot chocolate . Instead of relying on the TV for entertainment , get out cards or board games ( check out the local op shops for some second hand ones ) and connect with your kids or friends over a game or two .
Enjoy the cosy nights ahead , spring will be here again before you know it !

How Other Dads Dad by Lorna Gordon

I ’ m not a dad , but when I saw this podcast by Hamish Blake it caught my attention . Us mums are pretty good at connecting , sharing wins , asking for suggestions and propping each other up when our kids are having a hard time , but there aren ’ t as many dads who have this support system in place , so I wondered if Hamish was on to something .
It ’ s not just Hamish chatting about what he does with his kids , or sneakily watching other dads in the park and reporting back , as entertaining as that would be , he brings in other dads to discuss the finer details of dadding
with their particular families . He speaks to stand up comedian Nazeem Hussain , former Socceroo captain Craig Foster and everyone ’ s favourite , Scott Cam .
Hamish and his guests talk about their different families , their dad wins , fails and insights , how to cope with teenagers , and other essential dadding information . There are some real gems in these episodes , and I don ’ t think it matters what age your kids are , you would be able to relate to the conversations going on .
So , for all the dads out there needing a bit of connection , look up your old mate Hamish and have a listen to some sound , and not so sound advice on how to be a dad . The podcast is available on all the usual streaming services .
14 ISSUE 107 // MAY 2024 theindependentmagazine . com . au THE HILLS INDEPENDENT