Hills District Independent August 2020 #62 August 2020 | Page 30

Solution on page 33 YOUR STARS ACROSS 1 Collect leaves 5 Clothes 9 Take down 13 Swiss-like cheese 14 __ Lee (pie brand name) 15 Same cite as previous 16 Jewish scribe 17 Thin pancake 18 Peter, for short 19 ___ da Vinci 21 Porcelain clay 23 Sailors “hey” 24 Cat cries 25 Relating to the mail 28 Erases 31 Parlay 32 Italian “dollars” 34 Native ruler 36 South southeast 37 Thief’s hideout 38 Bullfight cheer 39 Relate 41 List of candidates 43 On top 44 Impure 46 Mother superior 48 Courtyard 49 Parent teacher groups 50 Be plentiful 53 Duress 57 Dirt road 58 Lazy person 60 Fringy 61 Skirt 62 Flawlessness 63 Single 64 Aroma 65 Charts 66 Sleigh DOWN 1 Pull in a fish 2 Wood tool 3 Corn syrup brand 4 Come forth 5 Late 6 Brand of sandwich cookie 7 Breach 8 Money 9 Retort 10 Cain killed him 11 Type of pasta 12 Adam’s garden 14 Coiled paper 20 Expression of surprise 22 Admiration 24 Intended 25 Then 26 Beginning 27 Inscribed stone 28 Horror 29 Show emotions 30 Grain storage towers 33 Lazed about 35 Representatives 40 Syrupy alcoholic drink 41 Arena 42 Diner 43 Inflamed area 45 Holy woman 47 Forbid 49 Writers 50 Singing voice 51 Data transmission rate 52 Upon 53 Prune 54 Teen hero 55 Leer at 56 Penury 59 Cell stuff SUDOKU To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: Each of the nine vertical columns Each of the nine horizontal rows Each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes Remember, no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box. Good luck! Aries (Mar. 21 – Apr.19) You’re known as the pioneer of the Zodiac, dear Ram. Like Star Trek, going where you’ve never been before is your thing. In August 2020, “lead, follow or get out of my way” is your mantra. Once you’ve met the challenge, it’s on to the next thing. Details and efficiency are usually not your forte. Yet on August 10 you’ll need to slow down, so you can catch up with yourself. You get this chance once every two years to dot all your I’s and cross all your T’s to make sure that your desires manifest. And while paying attention to detail is not your thing, you’ll find new excitement and challenge in taking time to make sure what you’ve created is useful and of service to others. Definitely, a departure from your usual fare, dear Aries, but one that can make your dreams come true. Taurus (Apr. 20 – May 20) You finally have clarity about what you really love, value and appreciate and what brings you pleasure. It’s been a long haul, dear Taurus, and has taken every bit of your patience, persistence and determination to hang in there with yourself. Venus finally completes her four-month journey in Gemini, the sign of communication, and new talents in speaking and writing may have emerged lately. On August 7, as Venus flows into Cancer, the most sensitive and nurturing sign in the zodiac, you’ll want to spend time with family and close friends. This is the time to connect with siblings to smooth over any rough spots in your relationships. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Ouch! Your relationships have turned you every which way but loose in the last five months. As an air sign, you usually prefer to keep things on the light side, dear Gemini, and digging deep into your partner’s psyche and feeling the intensity of them wanting more from you is not really comfortable for you. Yet in the last few months, you’ve been initiated into the depths of relationships. If things have felt out of control and the word ‘powerless’ comes to mind, know that it’s about trusting and surrendering to a power greater than yourself. If you do, then by the end of August 2020, you will have discovered a deeper, more rewarding and meaningful connection in your significant relationships. Cancer (Jun. 21 – Jul. 22) You’ve been learning a lot about where your true security and safety come from, dear Moon child, and that it’s high time to be your own very best mommy and daddy. You are the most emotional sign in the zodiac and with Saturn transiting in Cancer (which only happens every thirty years) you feel a greater self-discipline and can be more responsible for what you’re feeling, yes, ALL your feelings. You can learn to love and appreciate your nurturing and sensitive side without feeling that sense of overwhelm that often goes along with a strong emotional nature. Your relationships get a real shot in the arm as new and exciting people come into your life around August 13. Be open to new ways of being, as you open to new avenues of creative self-expression. Leo (Jul. 23 – Aug. 22) This is your month to shine! You are the star, the producer and the director of the Zodiac. No one knows more about their magical inner child than you, dear Lion. When it comes to love, generosity of spirit and an open heart, you’re a natural. You instinctively know that when you’re having fun, your heart is wide open. You’re easy to spot in any crowd with that big Cheshire grin from ear to ear. It’s time to celebrate you and celebrate life, especially around August 18, at the Leo New Moon. When you decide what you want to create at your own New Moon, ask yourself two important questions: Is this fun and can I express more of me? And if you can answer a resounding yes to both questions, then GO FOR IT… whatever it is. Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) You know you can sometimes feel inadequate and that you’re not doing it right when despite your every effort thing don’t seem to turn out perfectly. Well, dear Virgo, you Good Samaritan of the zodiac, this is not one of those times. It’s time for you to cash in and reap what you have sown over the last twelve months. Believe that everything you touch can turn to gold, especially after the August 10. This is the time to become one with your desires. It’s o.k. to be selfish now, dear Virgo, as you use this energy to courageously pursue new and exciting ways to be of service. Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) In August 2020, it should be crystal clear now what is important in your relationships… what brings you pleasure and what doesn’t. How you share love in your one-on-one connections with others will become apparent. Are you adding an energy that is happy and uplifting to those around you? And are they adding a positive energy to your life? At the very least, your deeper understanding of the value of your relationships brings you great joy now. Your relationships, whether with lovers, family or close friends encourage deeper connection that comes from greater sensitivity and vulnerability. Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) You’ll be feeling the magic of rebirth all through this month. It’s time to come out of the cave you’ve been. It has been a time of healing and regeneration for you, dear Scorpio. As the month goes on, it should become clearer where you are with true power versus control in your relationships. You’ve had five months to take inventory of your special talents and abilities, consequently, you’ll feel more in charge of your professional destiny as the New Moon in Leo on the 18th falls in your house of career. This is a great time to ask for the raise and apply for that promotion. You know when you are clear and focused on what you want, it’s hard for anyone to say no. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) It’s been a bit challenging for you this year, dear Archer, with Jupiter, your ruling planet in Capricorn, the sign of efficiency, productivity and minutia, because you prefer the BIG picture. As the eternal student of the zodiac, you have probably honed certain skills and learned new techniques in your job. The adventure for you is in the details now. And with Pluto in your sign moving forward on the 30th, you’re really feeling your oats now and are unstoppable as you become more comfortable with expressing your power. Relationships may have given you quite a run for your money, but not to worry, your natural optimism and philosophical nature help you see the meaning and purpose in every encounter. It’s your 2020 year ahead horoscope written for you with love by our astrologer. Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Venus will enter your relationship arena. Normally invulnerable and reserved by nature, dear mountain goat, your relationships require you to show your feelings and your sensitivity now. It may be a stretch at first but you’ll get the hang of it. Just don’t take it on as another obligation, should or have to. And although usually reserved, disciplined and somewhat business-like in nature, you may even like it. Even though it’s uncharacteristic and may feel uncomfortable at first, allow your softer side to emerge as you nurture others and allow yourself to be nurtured. And with the Leo New Moon on the 18th lighting up your house of intimacy, decide on which levels you want to merge more deeply with others… psychologically, intellectually, philosophically, sexually and financially. Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) The focus is on relationships for you this month. There are probably lots of folks pulling at you and wanting your attention. The important question is what do YOU want to create in your relationships now, as the New Moon in Leo on the 18th is an opportunity to plant the seeds for that which you desire. And as good as that sounds, you may not know exactly what you want now as Uranus, your guardian angel planet, has been in retrograde since June 10. That means that your lifelong search for authenticity and individuality requires you to pull back from your world as you reflect and contemplate who YOU really are and then, and only then, can you begin to figure out what you want from others. Pisces (Feb. 19 – Mar. 20) With expansive, benevolent Jupiter, one of your two guardian angel planets (Neptune is the other one) transiting your 7th house for the last year, the spotlight has been on your connections with others. If you know of a workshop or seminar on relationships, sign up for it, because the more you can learn about what really attracts you and why, the happier you’ll be. If a committed romantic partnership is something you desire, and as an idealistic, romantic Pisces I would be surprised if you didn’t, the Universe has heard your call and it’s time for you to cash in because you deserve it. You are now reaping the seeds that you have sown in relationships over the last twelve years. Believe that you can have the true give and take in a spiritual relationship that you have always desired. Courtesy of www.yearly-horoscope.org Solution on page 33 30 ISSUE 62 // AUGUST 2020 www.hdinews.com.au THE HILLS INDEPENDENT