Hills District Independent August 2020 #62 August 2020 | Page 3
2020 has certainly been a roller coaster
Our “numbers” are still thankfully
nothing like many other countries in the
world, but it is disheartening when it seemed
we pretty much had it contained but now it
appears we are walking along thin ice.
We can blame Dan the Vic Man for
dropping the ball on hotel security, we can
blame Gladys for those who scuttled across
the border before it was shut and we can
blame Scomo just because in some circles it
has become trendy to do so. But none of the
blaming will change where we are at.
That is up to us. Yes, US.
The reality is we have slackened off.
Social distancing is close to being non
existent again in public places.
When I did my shopping a few days
ago, the trolley wipers were long gone, the
sanitisers at the entrance were empty and
people actually leaned across me to get
something from the shelf I was standing in
front of.
Pull up for petrol and the sanitiser at the
bowser is also empty, with the paper towel
roll hanging down to the ground with a gooey
looking substance all over it.
When you look around, people are
shaking hands, standing shoulder to
shoulder and the cough into the elbow is a
distant memory.
Yet, if everything goes south, you’ll hear
most people blaming the Premiers and the
Prime Minister.
We need to take some responsibility here!
We do not want closures, restrictions, job
losses, illness or deaths, do we?
Sure, politicians need to be held to
account, but we also need to reunite as Team
Australia and get back to preventing the
Your thoughts? [email protected]
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Issue 62 | August 2020
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THE HILLS INDEPENDENT www.hdinews.com.au ISSUE 62 // AUGUST 2020 3