Unique Clubs Play Pool On hot Friday afternoons the pool and darts club members meet at The Deck or in the Senior Common Room against an ambiance of loud music, laughter and the rolling of pool balls under the supervision of the ever smiling Mr Gatana. Art in motion Dance enthusiasts get to enjoy an afternoon of dancing alongside dancers from ‘Art in Motion’ who specialise in intricate dance motions, artistically moving to the rhythms of a variety of music genres. Fencing Although fencing sounds dangerous, it is very entertaining. Fencers dress up in white protective clothes, complete with masks and get a chance to dexterously acquire the basic skills of an Olympic sport. Fencing is appreciated as more of a physical and tactical game requiring strategic thinking rather than just being able to pierce an opponent with the shining sabre. attitude of each of its committed members- one of discipline, determination and personal grind reflect the seriousness of those who choose to end a Friday on a healthy note. Archery Archery refines the core concepts of patience, determination and peace. As the wind whistles through the groves and round the ends of the bow, the archer becomes one with the shot as the arrow leaves its place of rest and strikes the butt. The archery club in Hillcrest is run by the Kenya Archery Association, facilitated by Kenya’s very own Archery Olympian Kuki Anwar, who provides all the equipment and expertise to turn a student into a professional archer in a matter of weeks. Sign Language This is the quietest club! Did you know that people who communicate through sign language live longer? Apparently, as people talk their lungs are corroded by the air that streams down from their throats. Now you know. By Leah Atieno and Cuba Houghton Beadwork The Beadwork Club offers an opportunity to relax on the patch of lawn outside the library every Friday. It’s a wonderful way to end the week, with students chatting and reminiscing over the week’s events as they make their own colourful bracelets or necklaces. Gym The thuds of racing heart beats in sync with the music break through the air as muscles deeply ripen and sweat drenches the skin. The 90 2017 | Hillcrest Magazine