Girls’ corner Girls hear the word ‘modesty’ more than they care to listen. For a girl, the word conjures up images of a matronly figure in oversize clothes. Ask any girl and she will tell you that modesty is simply a list of clothes she is not allowed or expected to wear, including scandalous items such as spaghetti-strap shirts, two-piece bathing suits, and sweatpants. Modesty to us is our mum’s weapon in her plot to take away everything cute in our wardrobe! Actually, modesty is more than this- it goes much deeper than the clothes we wear. It is who we are. Modesty is simply freedom from vanity. It is freedom from the pressure to conform to the so-called ideal standard. In other words, you don’t have to be obsessed with flaunting your image and fighting with teachers about your miniscule skirt. It is a myth to imagine that modesty is restricting- a prison. The truth is that modesty is freedom. Obviously, girls want to express themselves through their dressing- but do you have to become depressed, anorexic, a cutter and insecure? Image is closely woven into our DNA as girls- even tomboys that claim that they don’t care about their clothes intentionally select quirky T-shirts, shoelaces and jeans to pull off the ‘I-don’t-care’ look. But let’s not go too far. Modesty is our freedom. By Michelle Nyaribari www.hillcrest.ac.ke 43