than good’ was not only dramatic, but uniquely controversial, with victory being handed to Thor, finally interrupting Odin’s unbroken run. Najma Bishar, whose skill had narrowly rescued Odin from defeat on several occasions, received the Champion Debater award. For Anya Gera, a previous champion, and captain of the Thor team, though, the most memorable event of the season was not winning the shield, but seeing her sister on stage during the Trump debate. ‘Watching her up there,’ she commented, ‘coming to life while spewing profanities [about Trump] we had carefully come up with together, really reminded me why I have loved debating so much over the years. It gives everyone a chance to voice their thoughts and have people listen to them.’ “Although I’m a pretty opinionated person, what a lot of people don’t know is that I have pretty intense stage fright; I debate anyway. The blind adrenaline rush from being on stage is all at once calming and addictive, transcending physical barriers to present a battle of the wits redemptive of one’s initial apprehension. I think everyone should debate at least once in their school career. I promise you won’t regret it. “Teigist Taye By Michael Asher www.hillcrest.ac.ke 41