Editorial The onerous task of compiling and designing both The Crane and eventually the Hillcrest Yearbook has traditionally fallen on the shoulders of year 12s. This is an unbroken tradition that gives us the opportunity to complete a student led initiative. It all begins with interviews conducted by the outgoing editorial team who are always ready to give every year 12 a chance. The elation at being appointed to be a part of this group soon fades when you discover how big the responsibility is. Only the excitement of seeing your work out there keeps you going and, of course, the team. This year, we were a close knit team of hardworking journalists, photographers and designers; we gelled right from the word go and pushed our agenda with much ease. However, it would be erroneous to suggest that we had no challenges- nothing new but what all editorial teams face every year! There is first of all the overwhelming pressure to magazine unforgettable and reflective balance academic work, especially of the diversity and creativity of when AS exams are looming, with the our community. This past year never ending expectations, complete though difficult has been definitely with deadlines that are a part of worthwhile as we challenged ourselves being in the editorial team. This alone and learned a great deal about how taught us to be great time managers and to work smart even under intense to make a magazine. We’re grateful to everyone who has helped us pressure. In our case, we wanted throughout the year and wish the new to document everything and to do team all the best! Lastly, on behalf it well. This demanded frequent of the team, we would like to thank meetings, effective leadership and Mrs Muthama and Robert for their ownership of responsibilities; we commitment to school publications! just loved seeing the way there were always volunteers to complete By Akola Munyiri and Mongina Osoro different tasks! Somewhere not very far away from our meetings, emails and group WhatsApp, Mrs Muthama compelled, cheered and urged us along, giving tips and stepping in when we were completely at sea about anything. With sheer determination and the support of our peers, teachers and the Hillcrest community, we were eventually able to pull through. And hopefully, we have made this Eunice Muthama Robert Wanyonyi year’s editions of The Crane and this Hafsa Mughal, Akola Munyiri, Mongina Osoro, Catherine Ayebazibwe, Leah Atieno, Michelle Nyaribari Ian Nyamai, Paula Kioko, Cuba Houghton Absent: Karen Katahoire and Mselem Al Maamari 4 2017 | Hillcrest Magazine