Middle School When I took over as Head of Middle School, I had only a vague idea of what to expect. I soon realised that besides monitoring the learning of 115 students, there was a need to wear the pastoral hat and to develop a personal relationship with each one of them, understand them better and create a comfortable school environment for them. They would then be inspired enough to achieve personal excellence. For the year 10s, we had our bonding trip a bit late into term one but it proved to be of value in developing new friendships based on mutual respect. They are a very cohesive group, working, sharing and playing together. A number of students joined us in year 10 but looking at them today, it is difficult to believe that they have not been in Hillcrest for a few years. They are happy to be in school and extremely involved, which amplifies the fact that Hillcrest is a family. The once a fortnight assemblies and study sessions provided an opportunity for me to get to know all the year 11s. They worked independently, shared knowledge and managed their study space. The year has been busy. Besides making academic progress, students have participated in a range of activities, with sports obviously topping the agenda. Cross country brought all students out on the field with several exhibiting skills that may make them soon outdo our Kenyan track heroes! My congratulations to all the U15, U17 and U19 teams. Every time I have watched them play, I have seen the unity of purpose and the determination to win. Some students have developed a niche for themselves in the world of music and drama; they have been at the forefront of all performances, putting in a lot of their time. After their exams, the year 10s went out for work experience. From the reports they have brought back from their employers, they all gave a good account of themselves. The year 11s were buried in their books for a greater part of the year, which is certainly responsible for their good results. Some are moving on to study overseas and I wish them all the very best. They concluded their academic year with an exciting prom organised by Anushka and her team and graced by exquisitely dre ssed young men and women. I want to particularly thank all the form tutors for their assistance and support. To the students, let me end with a quote from Confucius: “It doesn’t matter how slow you go as long as you don’t stop”. Let us move ahead confidently in the true spirit of our motto ‘Semper Prospice’, inspired, encouraged and empowered to unlock our potential. By Jane Akelola 18 2017 | Hillcrest Magazine