or Seni 0f 2017 s Clas Yvonne Njoroge Nickname: My spice, Yves, Why-Yvonne What are you known for? Swimming, my piercing eyes and smile. One word to describe Hillcrest: Interesting. Favourite sport: Swimming. Favourite moment: When Candice saw a spider on Ver-se’s shoulder and dramatically ran away; we followed without even knowing what was happening, even Ver-se. We laughed like crazy when Ver-se saw the spider and nearly had a heart attack. Favourite teacher quote: “You’re doing the right thing (talking to friends) at the wrong time (instead of studying)!” Personal quote: “Live by the 5 by 5 rule. If it won’t last more than 5 weeks/ months/years, then don’t spend more than 5 minutes dwelling on it!” Andrew Mburu Nickname: Drew Mburrrrrr! Ichi What are you known for? Being a leading member of society. One word to describe Hillcrest: Family. Favourite sport: Football. Favourite moment: Skiving a whole day of class to listen to country music. Favourite teacher quote: “Teennam (could also be Tanam) doesn’t care about you, boss!” Personal quote: “A lion doesn’t concern himself with the opinions of a sheep.” Nickname: Pavy, PJ, Pjandu What are you known for? My love for sports, psychology and makeup. One word to describe Hillcrest: Unforgettable! Favourite spot: Wherever the picnic table stayed! (Even though we always got moved. Thanks MO). Favourite moment: Winning the hockey league in 2016 and celebrating with the hockey team afterwards at Purdy Arms! Favourite teacher quote: When Trishi emailed to say she was ill, MO’s reply was: “Stop eating rotten roti!” Personal quote: Dream without fear, love without limits. Pavan Jandu Leila Hosh Nickname: Leybae, leylizzle, Count Dracula and Teen Wolf What are you known for? Having an identity crisis. One word to describe Hillcrest: Solid. Favourite sport: Being petty around the field. Favourite moment: Chem with Trishi, Caitlyn, Candice, Sakhee and Mr Wairi. Wendy Okengo www.hillcrest.ac.ke 107