Studying DT has given me a greater depth to my understanding of materials and

Matt Chappell

how products are made through in-depth discussions in class with Mr Chappell . I enjoyed this very much as it gave me an opportunity to expand my thinking beyond the knowledge required for the exam . I have thoroughly enjoyed my lessons with Mr Chappell as a result of the freedom granted in the workshop , which allowed me to take on a project I was particularly interested in and Mr Chappell impacted the outcome of it positively . I took far more care when manufacturing my product because I was intent on keeping it for the future and not converting it to firewood . The fact that I could come to Mr Chappell and ask for advice on projects or work I was doing outside of school was extremely helpful ; though conversations somehow managed to drift off topic and were often centred on “ how great the British navy is ” and how “ Ark Royal is seemingly indestructible ”, nevertheless , with a quick reminder my question was soon answered in great detail . I would like to thank Mr Chappell for all the DT lessons since year 9 and the shenanigans that took place in them . I wish him and his wife the best as they leave for Sweden . By Declan Brunner
Nicky joined Hillcrest Secondary School in September 2013 to provide English as an Additional Language to students from non-English speaking schools . Before she could even complete one academic year , Nicola noticed that many students were struggling and overwhelmed with studies and had no clue on how to gain and retain knowledge . She came up with the , “ Mind Map ” study strategy that went viral with many students and parents ; she did mind maps for almost all subjects including IGCSE Mathematics . What a skill !

Nicola Chappell

Coming from an administrative background , Nicola was quick to spot the administrative hitches within the Learning Support Department where she proposed a way forward . She became the LS organizer and Planner- Special Education Coordinator ( SENCO ), a role she not only enjoyed , but excelled in . Nicky has always been passionate about what she does . Her emotional connection with both staff and students is commendable . The Learning Support Department and the staff as a whole will miss her tables , her charts , her
mind maps and her sketches but more importantly , we will miss her !
By Josephat Otondi

Jude McCarthy

Seldom will one come across someone who has mastered the art of Literature as Mrs McCarthy has , being as attentive and appreciative of every detail pouring from the words of every author , be it Shakespeare or unknown authors . Mrs . McCarthy is always giving her students constructive criticism and is relentless in her consistency in writing comments equivalent to the length of one ’ s essay ! At first , this is very intimidating for the student , who cowers to glance at the returned paper . Yet this has been one of our major privileges as students of Mrs McCarthy ; she reads and analyses every word that you present to her , so that we may feel the burning of scrutiny as heavily as we would in a final exam . She doesn ’ t hasten the process of getting work done ; she values the quality of work reflecting true effort not quantity of work achieved through panic . Mrs McCarthy speaks in metaphors and this brings her voice to life , making everything she says a vivid image . Her fascination and sensitive evaluation allows every student to appreciate the syllabus rather than be intimidated by it . Mrs McCarthy is always smiling and making light jokes with us , which shows how humble she is , never using her own excellence to undermine her students ’ work . Thank you Mrs McCarthy from all your literature students ! By Momina Tarar

Abdul Kareem Sow

Mr Sow joined Hillcrest to take on the role of Head of Chemistry as well as Careers , responsibilities that he has performed effectively and with a smile . He has supported his students to go for the very best , with some of them achieving top in Kenya awards in Chemistry and going on to study top courses in medicine and Engineering . Mr Sow ’ s confidence and ambition to be successful easily rub off on anyone who is lucky to interact with him . He soon became head of boys ’ boarding in which capacity he supported many students during preps to improve in Chemistry and science in general . One thing that I will always remember about Mr Sow is that he loves to express his opinion about matters . As head of Odin House , he was very particular about debating and was quite upset when Thor beat Odin in this year ’ s finals , interrupting Odin ’ s unbroken run for two years in a row . Under his guidance , Odin thrived and became unbeatable in nearly all inter-house events ! We will all miss Mr Sow .
By Eunice Muthama
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