The year started on a very high note with the Art IGCSE results being incredibly strong ; 2 A * s , 4 As , 4 Bs and 3 Cs . Yael Orlovsky and Mara Macdonald both gained A *! Teaching year 9 Art was somewhat of a novelty for me , having not taught this year group for quite a while . I have to say , however , that I thoroughly enjoyed it . The students were engaged throughout and especially determined towards the end when they took on the challenge of a real ‘ Art examination ’. The highlight for me was the production of their abstract colour paintings which have been beautifully framed and are now on display , casting a cacophony of colour in the Art Room . Year 12s this year are all absolutely outstanding artists . The proof can be seen here on ‘ The Art Gallery ’ page . They represented Hillcrest at the recent International Schools ’ Fair at The Hub by painting and drawing ‘ live ’ in front of the general public . I intend to showcase more of their work in an Art exhibition in December , so watch this space ! I would like to wish all the best to Jasmine Jethwa who leaves us this year . She has been studying Art since she arrived at Hillcrest in year 9 and will continue to be a student of Art at Loughborough University . She has obviously spent
many hours in the Art Room and has left her marks both metaphorically and actually . Her cheery presence and beautiful smile will be extremely missed . I would like once again to thank Felix for all his patience , understanding and
hard work and Lizzie Jago , my Head of Faculty , for all her support . I look forward to another MADD adventure next year !
By Stephanie Hooper
44 2017 | Hillcrest Magazine