Qian Yu Yang For me, being at Purdy Arms has given me confidence about the kitchen- I was complete- ly clueless at first! I even cut my fingers when I was learning how to chop vegetables. So far I’ve learned how to fold napkins and the correct way to clean cutlery. Guiliano Amadei Service. That’s what we take for granted when we visit a restaurant and even complain when we think that someone ought to be at our beck and call. I got to be a waiter who sets up tables, folds napkins and brings out the food. You are on your feet for an eternity and you still have to smile and pamper spoilt clients. Megan Van Houten at KFC I was working at KFC both at the Head office and the Hub. My experience has been very educational- I’ve learnt all the processes of making chicken and just how clean everything has to be. They clean the restaurants four times a day! The managers have treated me almost as though I was one of them and have shown me everything about managing restaurants. In the head office, I learnt about managing finances. I’ve been through the back of the kitchens as well. Bryan Skaper When my supervisors came to see me at around midday, I was already tired from the amount of work I had put in from 9.00 a.m. I had to report to work in the morning and work through to around 9 pm! On my first day, I learnt how to chop onions and carrots and was kept at it until my eyes were sore. I’ve learnt other things like what a cold kitchen is and that there is a butchery section of the restaurant. From chopping meat every day to doing my favourite stunts in the kitchen such as grilling and making sauces, I’ve definitely been through the ups and downs of working in a restaurant. www.hillcrest.ac.ke 39