51 schools from across East Africa gathered at the United Nations Office , Nairobi , for a weeklong conference for the 35th East African Model United Nations .
At the annual conference , students , who are known as delegates , are split up into different committees as representatives of a country , where they discuss various issues around the world , like the real UN would in their headquarters in New York , or in the subsidiary regional headquarters in Geneva , Vienna and Nairobi .
These committees include : 1 . Human Rights 2 . Political 3 . Ecology and Environment 4 . Security Council 5 . Special Summit While at the conference , delegates are required to observe diplomatic protocol at all times during the conference . This includes dress code , language , and respect among many other expectations . The topics debated are written by delegates prior to the conference and they pass through several processes before being finally approved and included into the specific committee ’ s agenda . The fortunate delegate , whose resolution is passed , then has the opportunity to read it out and defend their resolution to the committee . Other delegates representing various countries in that committee are then asked to vote on the resolution ; they can either be ‘ for ’, ‘ against ’ or decide to ‘ abstain ’.
This year in particular , the delegation from Hillcrest was represented by 16 students from year 11 and year 12 , taking on various roles as members of the state from Senegal , Tanzania , and Finland . We were privileged to be addressed by Lisa Kurbiel , UNICEF Child Labour Coordinator in East and Southern Africa , Shivani Bhalla , Ewaso Lions and Evelyn Njambi , Miss World Kenya and Miss World Africa .
I would like to specifically thank Ambassadors Callan Day ( Finland ), Vie Bierens ( Senegal ) and Michelle Nyaribari ( Tanzania ) for leading their delegations effectively . Their delegates also deserve commendation for giving up their time and putting in immense effort prior and during the conference . Congratulations to Sibi Nyaoga who received the Best Securitary Award during the conference . Many thanks to Mr Huma for the thorough preparation prior to the conference and to Ms Mburu and Mrs Mnanu for accompanying us .
By Michelle Nyaribari
www . hillcrest . ac . ke 37