The Sixth Form Each year is special in the life of the sixth form. Prospective parents always ask me what makes our sixth form unique. Put simply, how do I measure the success of the school? The answer is simple in my estimation. Is the student happy? Does the student have friends? Is the student involved in the school and community? Do they enjoy coming to school and most of all, are they experiencing success and personal growth? The Hillcrest sixth form can confidently tick all these boxes; we aim to give all our students the fundamental skills to be a success academically, personally and socially. The higher education system is extremely competitive these days. Three good A- levels are no longer a guarantee of a place at university and so we aim to give our students the opportunity to excel in many other areas. As always, our sixth form students have participated in a myriad of activities. You just need to read through this magazine to see how its pages are filled with so many memories and images of happy and successful times spent in Hillcrest. It is our ambition to unlock the wealth of talent in these young people and help them fulfil their dreams. We continue to offer incredibly rigorous and enriching education that provides a platform to meet the world expectations. It has been a source of delight to see just how varied the students’ talents are. We have students who play beautifully, creating memorable pieces on their instruments; Jive has become an indomitable band consisting mainly of sixth form students. Under 19 teams have brought great fame to Hillcrest in this last year by scooping a majority of the trophies. There are students who have remained firm debaters for years, as they seamlessly think on their feet and make well- reasoned arguments to excel in debating competitions. Some have become empathetic peer mentors, giving up their free time to tutor struggling students. Keen public speakers have taken up opportunities to represent the school at MUN as well as using their talent to address parents and to give presentations on assembly. Still in the sixth form, we have enjoyed the remarkable talents of students who independently put up the production of plays and many other theatrical pieces. We were thrilled by professional equestrians as well as motor cross champions within our sixth form who have embraced the spirit of adventure and have become famous for their daredevil stunts. On the quiet side, we have definitely noticed the philanthropists among us, who are so concerned about the needy that they wake up early on Wednesdays to make waffles for sale as well as collect items to distribute to the needy through the Interact Club. With such a wealth of experience, our students have been successful in gaining offers of places at some of the best institutions of higher learning worldwide and this is a testament to both the calibre of our students, the strength of the teaching staff and careers support. I must thank the outgoing prefects for all their support in making sure that we maintain the Hillcrest spirit at all times. It is my hope that the new year 12 prefects will raise the bar set in maintaining the Hillcrest ethos. The year 13 Graduation event is always inspirational. Farewells are not easy to manage and as you can imagine, there were sad moments as tutors and students shared heartfelt experiences. It began to dawn on me just how much this particular group of students had injected into the life of the school, some as prefects, club leaders, charities and sports captains. It would be difficult to mention their contribution individually here. However, it was a sad day for me to say goodbye to them. For them, this is the end of one era and the beginning of another journey. On behalf of all the teachers, particularly their tutors, I want to say, go well, enjoy yourselves, be successful and happy, and don’t forget us! By Maurice Otieno 26 2017 | Hillcrest Magazine