Junior School

Alas , the year 9s have already been through their first academic year at Hillcrest ! Not only has it been a superb transition for most students , but an immense pleasure in getting to meet and know each of them in my classes and even on the school corridors . September 2016 saw the first of its kind ‘ Bonding trip ’ to Malewa for these completely new fresh faces . It was a superb experience ; I have to say I was very impressed with everyone ’ s zeal to get along . The fashion show and river tubing in particular were my highlights . Getting back to the rigour of 14 subjects over the two-week timetable in year 9 wasn ’ t a walk in the park . These students took some time to get used to the demands of secondary school life , a homework timetable and the numerous choices of extracurricular options available . And they took to everything with uncharacteristic excitement . I have been so amazed at the talent in the year group from the swimming pool to the playing pitches and athletics . Each player has taken the pride of playing for their school very seriously and their enthusiasm will not be forgotten .
The family barbeque brought together teachers , parents and students in year 9 and it really was such a relaxed affair . All the families brought in something to throw onto the ‘ jiko ’ and the weather did not disappoint even through our mini rounders tournament . A parents ’ evening was on the schedule in November and the year 9 students accompanying their parents to this event was a novel experience . Term two was a busy term with all the year 9 students training hard for hockey tournaments . Mouth guards , shin guards and hockey sticks were the accessories for the season . We welcomed four new students into the cohort : Anthony Mathenge , Ria Shah , Lexxiey Schaffer and Anezka Marwa . All of them have managed to settle in seamlessly and have taken up various sports and activities in the two terms they have been at Hillcrest . Come term three , we were all a bit anxious about the year 9 end of year examinations , but everyone took these in their stride . We had the opportunity to welcome in three new students ; Jessica Okelo , Eesha Thakkar and Melissa Mwangi , who have
not only gelled with the group but have participated in school events already ! Before the examination week , we had a very successful ‘ Options Evening ’. I am looking forward to the business entrepreneurs in year 9 to show their flair in Business Studies ! Just before half term , we had our year 9 Social Night ; an evening of games , running around , oreos all over the school hall and our faces , pizza , chips , personalised cupcakes and a lovely video rendition of our bonding trip ‘ fashionistas ’ and various photos . I am quite sad to say good bye to this very dynamic and energetic year group . Together we have been on a learning curve and I will definitely be seeing you all in year 10 !
By Kira Channa
www . hillcrest . ac . ke 13