Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 75



Chapter Contents 4.0 Overview 4.1 Methodology
4.2 Pedestrian Network Project Types
4.3 Enhancing Walkability : Additional Pedestrian Improvements
4.4 Recommendations and Network Map
4.5 Pedestrian Treatment Photo Visualizations
4.0 Overview
The proposed hike network for Arlington includes a series of pedestrian improvements that create a more connected , comprehensive system . It has been developed from past planning efforts , public input , committee input , field analysis , and geographic information systems ( GIS ) mapping . This chapter presents the methodology , recommended hike network project types , intersection improvement recommendations , and pedestrian network maps for the City of Arlington .
Successful development of the hike network will require a long-term , cooperative effort between the City of Arlington and TxDOT . This partnership is important because many key recommendations are located on roadways that are owned and maintained by different entities .
4.1 Methodology
The guiding philosophy in devising the network is the hub and spokes model . Hike corridors ( spokes ) should connect to trip attractors ( hubs ), such as parks , schools , Downtown , shopping centers , and other pedestrian corridors . The network then becomes a practical solution for pedestrian travel ( see diagram on the next page ).
Hub And Spokes Diagram Fieldwork included an examination of conditions at major intersections , along primary corridors , at pedestrian hubs , and near schools , and a consideration of gap connectivity . Map discussion and analysis was conducted at Steering Committee meetings and public meetings to pinpoint specific areas in need of pedestrian improvements .
Chapter 4 : Hike Network | 4-1