Assessing Needs and Opportunities
Fieldwork and Analysis The consultant team conducted an in-depth analysis , photo inventory , and evaluation of current conditions for biking and walking :
School bike rack
GIS data for the Veloweb
Snapshot of the City ’ s Land Use Plan
Public input map
A worn footpath in absence of a sidewalk
• 190 intersections were inventoried ( including photos ) for pedestrian crossings . Pedestrian treatments were recommended for each intersection .
• Over 200 miles of arterial , collector , and some local roads were analyzed and measured for possible on-road bicycle recommendations .
• Special attention was paid to school areas , the Downtown area , roadway
crossings , and key destinations .
Geographic Information Systems ( GIS ) GIS data for existing trails , sidewalks , and bicycle lanes was supplemented with aerial photography , transportation data , trip attractors , schools , parcels , waterways , etc . to provide a comprehensive map and tool for developing the recommended hike and bike network . These data resources revealed numerous gaps in the existing sidewalk system and opportunities for new sidewalks .
Existing Plans Numerous plans , guidelines , and strategies have addressed issues relating to hiking and biking in Arlington . They have addressed land use , alternative transportation , roadway design , open space , parks and recreation , and other initiatives . Special consideration was given to current community plans , policies , and documents to better integrate this Hike and Bike Plan into the fabric of area planning efforts , and to incorporate the insights , visions , and findings of other plans as appropriate .
Public Input Public input was gathered through three public meetings and an online comment form . Input at the public meetings was gathered in the form of map markups and comments and through discussion between the citizens , consultant , and City staff . Over 450 people attended the three public workshops showing strong support for the goals of this Plan .
Needs Analysis The need and demand for a more accessible , safe and functional hike and bike system is paramount throughout the City of Arlington . US Census data modeling revealed that an estimated 245,000 pedestrian trips and 28,000 bicycle trips happen daily in Arlington . Health and wellness issues , bicycle and pedestrian crashes , levels of service , and community input all point towards the need for safe , functional accessibility to the outdoors . These needs can be met through a comprehensive on-road and off-road hike and bike system along with the programs , policies , and funding to support this endeavor . This is clearly articulated by the residents who attended open house meetings .
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