Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 51

parks are settings for popular and easily accessible recreation opportunities , and they preserve critically important floodways and wildlife habitat .”
“ Improve accessibility to parks for all citizens .”
“ Making our parks and park facilities accessible means looking for opportunities to develop pedestrian connections to schools , neighborhoods and commercial activity centers .”
Downtown Arlington Master Plan ( 2004 ) The Downtown Plan helps to establish a vision and future for the center city area by identifying challenges and opportunities to revitalizing the downtown area as it once was . Interwoven throughout this Plan are recommendations for a better pedestrian and bicycle network to encourage and promote these methods of travel while enhancing the downtown area . Below are some of these goals :
“ Create a community with multi-modal mobility that encourages pedestrians , bicycles , automobiles , and some form of public and / or private transportation .”
“ Create a community of neighborhoods with easy pedestrian access to a system of parks , open spaces , trails and gathering places promoting interactions within and among neighborhoods .”
“ Encourage and promote areas that advocate for pedestrian design and amenities .”
Additional excerpts in support of bicycling and walking :
“ Encourage walking . An excellent way to encourage customers to use one parking space while visiting several businesses is to encourage walking . One way to do this is by improving site design and architecture to make walking a pleasant , safe experience .”
UT-Arlington Campus Master Plan ( 2007 ) The UT-Arlington Campus Master Plan promotes walking and biking connectivity with the Downtown and within the campus . As part of its conceptual design , it emphasizes the importance of sidewalks on all streets with shade trees along the routes . It also recommends the development of bikeways on campus to complement the enhancement of pedestrian amenities . Campus streets would be improved and reconfigured to include bike lanes and wider sidewalks . Some specific design recommendations include :
Chapter 2 : Current Conditions | 2-21