Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 49


Median Family Income ( Map 2.7 ) The Arlington Median Family Income map ( Map 2.7 ) presents income levels at the block group level . While this isn ’ t a direct representation of bicycle and pedestrian use , it does indicate higher potential need for walkable and bikable spaces . As gas prices rise in the future , there may be increased need for bicycle and pedestrian travel , especially among lower-income groups . Lower-income areas are most commonly found between I-30 and Hwy 303 , in and around Downtown , and east of Downtown .
For summaries of the City of Arlington Zoning Ordinance , Subdivision Regulations , Design Criteria Manual , and Comprehensive Plan , please refer to Chapter 6 : Hike & Bike Policies .
2.6 Existing Plan Summaries
There are a number of relevant planning documents and ordinances both locally and regionally . While these documents address some bicycle and pedestrian elements and requirements , there is still significant need to enhance these components to make Arlington grow in a more bicycle and pedestrian friendly manner .
Mobility 2030 Plan ( 2007-2009 ) The North Central Texas Council of Governments ’ Mobility 2030 Plan establishes policies and priorities for the multi-modal transportation system for the North Texas region . This Plan sets forth many goals to improve the bicycle and pedestrian transportation systems and recommends 286 miles of new bicycle and pedestrian routes in the Dallas-Fort Worth area . Section 15 of the Mobility 2030 Plan , the Pedestrian / Bicycle System , provides the following goals to improve these modes of transportation :
• Improving safety and mobility for current trips made solely by non-motorized alternative means or which access transit by non-motorized means ;
• Increasing the service area of bicycle and pedestrian facilities in order to increase the share of trips taken solely by nonmotorized means ; and
• Making further progress toward the regional commuting goal of an eight percent combined alternative transportation mode share .
This section thoroughly examines existing conditions , needed facilities and policies , and different facility type recommendations for the region . The Arlington Hike and Bike System Master Plan will compliment this Mobility 2030 Plan and will build upon it in detail for the City of Arlington .
Arlington Bikeway System Plan ( and Map ) The City of Arlington generated a citywide comprehensive bikeway system map that identified mapped corridors for bike routes , Veloweb trails , trail linkages , and proposed intersection improvements . This map served as a starting point for recommendations made in the Hike and Bike Master Plan .
Chapter 2 : Current Conditions | 2-19