Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 4


The Process

In November 2009 , the City of Arlington began this planning effort with a kick-off meeting for the Steering Committee and public . The Steering Committee was composed of City staff , key stakeholders , and active citizens . Multiple committee meetings occurred during the planning process with members providing input on project goals , visions , facility needs , priorities , and the Draft Plan .
The winter of 2009-2010 was dedicated to field research , the analysis of GIS data , and the analysis of existing plans and policies / codes . The first public workshop was held in January 2010 with 250 citizens attending , providing input on maps and comment forms .
During the spring of 2010 , the draft hike and bike network was developed based on fieldwork , input from the public and Steering Committee , and GIS analysis . In April , over 100 citizens attended the second public workshop , providing feedback on the preliminary hike and bike system recommendations . The project team also held a bicycle ride in Downtown Arlington , involving elected officials , police and fire departments , project staff , and citizens ( Bicycles Inc . provided bicycles and helmets ).
In the summer of 2010 , a full Draft Plan was developed that incorporated feedback from the public and Steering Committee . The Plan was comprehensive , addressing not only segment-by-segment recommendations for the hike and bike network , but also focused on bike parking , programs , policies , design guidelines , and implementation strategies .
During the fall of 2010 , approximately 100 citizens attended the third public workshop . The City of Arlington , its elected officials , and the general public provided comments and revisions . The Final Plan was adopted by City Council on August 2 , 2011 .
1 ) Field research 2 ) Draft Plan 3 ) Public workshop
2 | Executive Summary