Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 39


• The 4-lane , center-divided wide median roadway is common and a detriment for simple bike lane addition through restripe ( because most are 23 ' 10 '' to 24 ’ for two lanes on each side ). Bike lanes could be added , but only through demolition of existing curb and reducing the size of the median ( reconstruction ). This effort will be more costly .
• There are also some roadways throughout the City that are too narrow for bicyclists to travel safely on them . These roads have little or no shoulder and have relatively high vehicle travel speeds which pose multiple hazards for bicyclists .
2.4 Demand and Needs Analysis
The need and demand for a more accessible , safe and functional bicycle , pedestrian and greenway system is paramount throughout Arlington . This is clearly demonstrated through fieldwork analysis , public input , demographic analyses , and user demand models . The service area and user demand analysis consider demographic characteristics , demand models of non-motorized travel , and public input .
Demand Analysis A variety of demand models are often used to quantify usage of existing bicycle and pedestrian facilities , and to estimate potential usage of new facilities . The purpose of these models is to provide an overview of the potential demand for bicycling and walking in Arlington . As with all models , the results show a range of accuracy that can vary based on a number of assumptions and available data . The models used for this study have been used across the nation and incorporate information from existing publications as well as data from the U . S . Census . All data assumptions and sources are noted in the tables following each section of the analysis .
U . S . Census data provides a useful baseline for quantifying demand . Overall , across the State of Texas , walking and bicycling to work has decreased over the past 20 years . In the 1990 Census , the State of Texas experienced 0.2 % of its population bicycling to work and 2.6 % walking to work . In 2000 , the percentages were 0.2 % for bicycling and 1.9 % for walking . In 2005-2007 , the percentages were 0.2 % again for bicycling and 1.8 % for walking .
When focused solely on the City of Arlington , the pedestrian mode share has declined over the past couple decades . It was 1.7 % in 1990 ; 1.6 % in 2000 ; and 1.2 % in 2005-2007 . The bicycle mode share in 1990 , 2000 , and 2005-2007 was 0.2 %. Combined bicycle and
Chapter 2 : Current Conditions | 2-9